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Thread: saber rattling

  1. #41
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    I disagree,when WW2 started,the entire US automotive industry was shut down along with countless businesses that supplied them.
    The factorys,ford, chevy,etc were re-tooled for the war effort and allowed the dis-placed workers to go back to work.
    Wars create Jobs that in turn allow people to buy homes and feed themselves.
    When the stealth Bomber program ends,it is not just the people that work on them that are effected,it is the mom and pop stores, the taco bell, etc
    The ripple effect will be huge in a regeon that already is very poor (Yuba city).
    When the military re-locates hundreds of familys,schools will close,the housing market will collapse,many people other than military personal will be out of work and in turn drawing unemployment and welfare,now that drains the economy bigtime.
    That's assuming they don't have transferable skills... and that another industry doesn't take its place.

    Recall too - every military personnel is already paid by us lol! Paying them less may actually put us in the black lol!!

  2. #42
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    Recall too - every military personnel is already paid by us lol!
    Exactly, that seems to always be forgotten when the 'jobs' argument is brought up. It is the same argument for stimulating the economy, but that tends to be dismissed with the 'can not spend your way out of debt'.

    It is definitely much cheaper to pay people welfare money than the high cost of skilled jobs making high-tech but unnecessary military equipment. In fact the standard economic argument would be that they should be paid nothing as to provide the greatest incentive for getting off their bottoms and putting their skills into production of something that is better for the society.
    In fact these days the argument is made often but for a different socio-economic segment.
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  4. #43
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    That's assuming they don't have transferable skills... and that another industry doesn't take its place.

    Recall too - every military personnel is already paid by us lol! Paying them less may actually put us in the black lol!!
    The base will always be there,is the one largest drone bases in the U.S,The military personal will be re-located so they will still be paid.
    Transferable skills?? thats a hoot,This area is rural farmland with one of the highest unemployment rates in the country.
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  5. #44
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    I'd normally not engage in political dialogue in a shaving forum, but .. the problem with the US now is that the TeeVee has conditioned us to want more stuff. Why should a family with no skills other than eating and defecating deserve a widescreen TV? Or any TeeVee at all? Because Sam Walton says so, no matter that his ChinaMart has run small businesses out of most towns (as well as those jobs), as long as the average low wage joe has a TeeVee and a cheesy beer, and a CrapDonalds on every corner, he's happy

    Now, if you divided the Clinton family fortune into all of, say, Arkansas or New York, I am never sure where they are from, every body gets about Three Bucks.
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  6. #45
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    Exactly, that seems to always be forgotten when the 'jobs' argument is brought up. It is the same argument for stimulating the economy, but that tends to be dismissed with the 'can not spend your way out of debt'.

    It is definitely much cheaper to pay people welfare money than the high cost of skilled jobs making high-tech but unnecessary military equipment. In fact the standard economic argument would be that they should be paid nothing as to provide the greatest incentive for getting off their bottoms and putting their skills into production of something that is better for the society.
    In fact these days the argument is made often but for a different socio-economic segment.
    Don't get me started lol!! I have been too active on this thread as it is lol!! But yeah... Take all the passion out and the name calling, and welfare has its place!

    I find in America, people would rather pay more police and create a police state than simply pay out more welfare and deture those who have nothing from steeling. In pure dollars - as proven elsewhere, it works.

    But that's a bit advanced for this thread lol! The list of assumptions would take pages lol!

  7. #46
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GaryG View Post
    I'd normally not engage in political dialogue in a shaving forum, but .. the problem with the US now is that the TeeVee has conditioned us to want more stuff. Why should a family with no skills other than eating and defecating deserve a widescreen TV? Or any TeeVee at all? Because Sam Walton says so, no matter that his ChinaMart has run small businesses out of most towns (as well as those jobs), as long as the average low wage joe has a TeeVee and a cheesy beer, and a CrapDonalds on every corner, he's happy

    Now, if you divided the Clinton family fortune into all of, say, Arkansas or New York, I am never sure where they are from, every body gets about Three Bucks.
    That's how capitalism works brother!! Hence unemployment is a serious threat to capitalists! The problem is, many capitalists are greedy and don't want to share... And they have put a government in place to ensure tax rates are crazy low... Selling the masses on trickle down lol!!

    They are too narrow minded to see that eventually, the unemployed problem will roust and kill it for all of us... Sigh.

    OK I got to stop posting lol! Note, I love capitalism... LOVE IT, but greed is killing it. Well, outright greed and a bit of I don't care for my fellow citizens...
    MWS, BobH and jmercer like this.

  8. #47
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Hey David

    Who ya calling a commie pinko? I am living in Kanuckistan after all eh. Anyway, can't take politics and economics too seriously, damn all the average guy can do except try and wade through all the chest high BS that best they can.

    Mcbladescar and earcutter like this.
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  9. The Following User Says Thank You to BobH For This Useful Post:

    earcutter (04-28-2014)

  10. #48
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Capitalism is great, for those that can capitalize from it.
    I went to a Vietnam Vet fund raiser today,I donated what little I could,saddens me that there are over 200K nam vets that are homeless and living on the streets of our great capitalistic country.
    Read the book (the communistic societys of the united states) Quakers,Mennonites,Mormans,amish all practice pure communism,nobody starves.
    This country and future administrations need to focus more on the american people,not some illitrate goat herder in Iraq.
    Call me a COMMIE I am, I help those who need help as best I can,Ihave no Money to give you, but I can give you vegitables from my garden.
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  11. #49
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    I sit here and read all of these ideas and comments only making it easier to believe that there's something seriously wrong going on in the US.
    The Courts now saying that corporations and lobbying groups not only have the same rights as an individual but even have more rights because they have more money.
    If our kids acted in school the same way our elected leaders do in government they'd be expelled for Bulling.
    Our internet and communications are some of the worst in the world just because our government lets them make exorbitant profits without putting anything back into the systems.
    We have 100 yr old water and sewer systems while we send money to countries were at war with to improve there's.
    We complained because Russia was going to punish Ukraine by raising Natural Gas rates to the level that I now pay in New York !!! Who's punishing us, more so who's looking out for us!
    There's something going terribly wrong here.
    earcutter, BobH and jmercer like this.

  12. #50
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnus View Post
    I sit here and read all of these ideas and comments only making it easier to believe that there's something seriously wrong going on in the US.
    The Courts now saying that corporations and lobbying groups not only have the same rights as an individual but even have more rights because they have more money.
    If our kids acted in school the same way our elected leaders do in government they'd be expelled for Bulling.
    Our internet and communications are some of the worst in the world just because our government lets them make exorbitant profits without putting anything back into the systems.
    We have 100 yr old water and sewer systems while we send money to countries were at war with to improve there's.
    We complained because Russia was going to punish Ukraine by raising Natural Gas rates to the level that I now pay in New York !!! Who's punishing us, more so who's looking out for us!
    There's something going terribly wrong here.
    Your post brings a tear to my eye.

    In response to the emboldened area of your post, note that the unions are all but busted. Lobby groups work for only those who pay them. That leaves government.

    I fear the days where being complacent was a luctury afforded to the masses due to wealth and ignorance are well behind the majority... If they only cared to look.

    The American Dream Is Dead - Business Insider

    Though I absolutely abhor what these guys are demanding below... At least they tryed?? I love the verbiage .

    The Plan To “Take Back America” – Place ALL state and federal capitols under ‘Civil Disobedient’ Siege | America's Voice Now

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