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Thread: Thank-you Ed! A Gift Down Under to Up Here!

  1. #11
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Phrank, regardless of which brand you use try it on a grilled cheese sandwich. Smear a reasonable amount (it's almost pure salt, be careful) on your bread and then load in the cheese. Other than that, I sometimes use a little for an extra, hard to place flavor, in stirfrys, stews or other concoctions I'm whipping up on the stove. I will cut back on the salt a little when I use Vegimite or Marmite.

    Marmite is available in the states at some grocery chains. I would think that it would be rampantly available in Canada (the Commonwealth and all that).
    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  2. #12
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Yes, when I wrote that in just, I realized everything is better with bacon! And come to think of it, Maple Syrup is awesome as well! So maybe I'll try an an English Muffin, a poached egg, some Vegemite, Back Bacon and who knows!

    But there has to be some truly Australian way's to eat this stuff, let's get some ideas from our Australian members, who I guess are mostly asleep right now I would think....
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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Yes, when I wrote that in just, I realized everything is better with bacon! And come to think of it, Maple Syrup is awesome as well! So maybe I'll try an an English Muffin, a poached egg, some Vegemite, Back Bacon and who knows!

    But there has to be some truly Australian way's to eat this stuff, let's get some ideas from our Australian members, who I guess are mostly asleep right now I would think....
    It is only 10 pm.
    My daughter (who is australian - conceived here about a month after we landed) likes "mixed together", which is toast (unbuttered) with vegemite, peanut butter and honey in that order.
    I thought it was weird, and to my tastebuds it is, but she met another girl at a camp who has exactly the same combo.
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    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  4. #14
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    I have had a request to throw my two quid into the mix here so,before heading off to bed I will say this. I have done both Marmite and Vegemite and I will say that I do like the flavor of Vegemite better (smoother) but Marmite has more of the essential B Vitamins than Vegemite does. So for hangovers it's Marmite but,for indulgence I like the Veg. And I burn through the Vegemite pretty fast as I like it thick with butter on toast or bread. It's good with a cheese sammy also and with Brats. It's Maillard good or Meme if your Asian.
    edhewitt likes this.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Nightblade For This Useful Post:

    edhewitt (07-16-2014)

  6. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    oh yeh thick vegimite on toast is a great morning after brain fluffer
    I go the Peanut butter with chips (potato crisps) on a sanga not a problem, just like eating chips & peanuts at the pub but together LOL

    Now both my daughters seem to have gotten this wrong as thye like thick vegimite with chip sanga's wich just seems wrong to me but they love it & always have, each to their own LOL.

    Vegimite scrolls are great too
    get puff pastry coat with butter, vegimite your preffered melting cheese,
    roll fairly tight
    cut into 1/2" portions
    lay flat on their side on grease proof paper &
    cook in the oven as per pastry directions
    great little finger food appertisers
    edhewitt likes this.
    to shave another day.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Substance For This Useful Post:

    edhewitt (07-16-2014)

  8. #16
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Pardon me while I drool......this thread is makin me hungry and thirsty ha.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

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