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Thread: Hate your Job?

  1. #1
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Default Hate your Job?

    Hi. I'm _______, and I hate my job.

    How do you handle the stress of hating your job? Do you have an exit strategy?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Probably did not handle the stress very well of hating my job. More or less just kept my head down and shoulder to the grindstone waiting for the retirement exit strategy to show up. The exit showed up at 56 and have been virtually stress free for 5 years now not having worked a day since. Best job I have ever had.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

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    earcutter (09-29-2014)

  4. #3
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    I realized that a new job is just the same problems at a new address. Corporate America is the same everywhere, so unless the job issues are specifically related to a supervisor don't expect a new place to be much better. That new-to-you job is often (but not always) open because the prior employee hated his/her job, too.

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    earcutter (09-29-2014)

  6. #4
    Senior Member cosperryan's Avatar
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    Hi. I'm Ryan and I hate my job.

    I work at Wal-Mart. A walmart located in the ghetto. I am a manager there so I have that going for me. However they have decided to get hours and cut people. True skeleton crew I'm talking about here. The holidays are coming around the corner and there are no plans to hire help. Sales are low and theft is insanely high, no matter how many security devices there are. Its mostly kids doing the stealing so we can't really charge them and the sad part is its gangs sending them in to prove that they are willing to do crime for the gang.

    I have been told that I am a rarity at walmart by many customers in concern of my great customer service. I have a lot of return customers that only come to me when they need help. I hate the stupid people but I do enjoy helping people out.

    Have you ever been to the site. Yeah I live that everyday. Thats one way I handle the stress. Sometimes I have to go to the back room and just laugh because of some of the things I see.

    Exit strategy: Well, I have never worked retail before and was actually in the military before walmart. When I got out I needed a job as I was running out of savings. They called first and were also the only ones that offered me a supervisor position. I took it. I have been working there since April of 2013. I have been promoted twice since being there and am waiting to at least finish my 2nd year until I start looking for other opportunities. That way I can say I have a somewhat decent amount of experience.
    Hirlau, earcutter and MattCB like this.

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    earcutter (09-29-2014)

  8. #5
    Member Crusader's Avatar
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    I wish I had an answer. I dislike my job but for the most part it's ok but totally un-rewarding. Also I make fairly well income and have a favorable schedule of 8-5 Mon-Fri and a decent amount of freedom from my boss. I love my Parish my kids do well in school and have a faithful wife of 18 yrs.

    So what is there to complain about, right?

    Like I said, totally boring and does not really challenge me hardly at all. Some day I would really like to work for my self but have yet to figure that out without taking a major hit in the financial area. Typical Monday.

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    earcutter (09-29-2014)

  10. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I loved my Job (business) of 43 yrs, I got offshored 3 yrs ago and was forced to retire I hate not working.
    Dangerous within 1 Mile

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    earcutter (09-29-2014)

  12. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by AZBronco View Post
    I realized that a new job is just the same problems at a new address. Corporate America is the same everywhere, so unless the job issues are specifically related to a supervisor don't expect a new place to be much better. That new-to-you job is often (but not always) open because the prior employee hated his/her job, too.
    This. At the end of the day we work for people.
    earcutter likes this.

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    earcutter (09-29-2014)

  14. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    Hi i'm Vern and i hate my job. I know i can't quit (even though i talk about it) because i've been there 21 years and can't afford to start over. i have 4 weeks vacation and good insurance. some times i complain to my co' worker (and she complains to me). helps to get it off my chest. fortunately i can leave it there and forget about it shortly after getting home. get recharged on the weekends and do it all over during the week. I've had worse jobs which i try to remind myself of when it gets me down. Just waiting for retirement in about 20 years ( or maybe my own reality show .

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    earcutter (09-29-2014)

  16. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    Oh yeah
    Hi my name is Dion,
    I don't hate my job just disliking it more each year, But I do hate a lot of our clients with their unrealistinc budgets, deadlines & lack of upfront engineering & planning, which makes my not so bad but unappreciated job suck like a belt driven yabby pump.
    now at it 15 years in with good pay, flexible hours (I can do as much tax free overtime as I want everyday, as long as all pricing gets done & submitted on time whether that be 6 hours or 16 they dont care),
    & same boat as Vern, been here too long to start again without a drastic pay cut and only another 20 or more years until retirement
    Damn i miss being on the tools, which is why I like playing in the shed making things so much.

    Edit: and yeah they haven't banned SRP or Ebay access yet so makes the day better LOL
    Last edited by Substance; 09-30-2014 at 12:14 AM.
    to shave another day.

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    earcutter (09-30-2014)

  18. #10
    Senior Member Mcbladescar's Avatar
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    Too old to quit and I don't know what the hell I'd do if I did, probably same old $h!t somewhere else anyways, therefore I drink and smoke cigars and fish and golf and play with sharp things


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    earcutter (09-30-2014)

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