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Thread: Ebola

  1. #31
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Government is composed of individuals,,,,,James,,,, sadly, some of those individuals abandon their common core principles to their human faults.

    Positions of power & trust seem to attract many of these misguided individuals. It is important that we never get tired & give up our responsibility to hold them accountable.

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  3. #32
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huckelberryhound22 View Post
    can't help but to think it's purposefully orchestrated by our government.
    They are inept at everything else and can't keep a lid on national secrets, but somehow they manage to pull off a planned global pandemic whilst keeping it carefully controlled at the same time, AND noone is spilling the beans, AND the governments of other nations who otherwise can't stand each other are operating in flawless lockstep with each other.

    Yeah ...
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  4. #33
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I really don't understand why they are still flying to the infected countries. That is just begging for ebola to jump continents. First thing should have been to stop all air trafic other than carefully controlled flight (flying TO those countries) bringing in supplies etc.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
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  6. #34
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    Not sure I can ride with this, David. I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, but your background is economics?

    If this is so, then I understand from what position you made the two statements that I highlighted. That man's (Dr. Thomas Frieden) position is not one that determines GDP. He is supposed to be the top authority on contagious disease control. The Administration has people selected to watch the dollars & cents. The problem with this man is, he is hoping for a favorable winds to push him to a more lucrative position in the future. He has sold out his responsibility to us all,,,,, that was evident in his answers,,, that is why pundants from both sides of the table are shocked at that interview.

    Life is priceless, from the smallest of animals , to the poorest of humans,,,, it's just that in many cases we can't save them all. A man's ability to contribute, has never put him in the front of the food line, in my book. I wasn't the head of CDC, but like thousands in my profession, I was tasked with saving lives, if I could. I never thought about their financial status.

    Here's a hypothetical for you David & don't take this the wrong way;
    You see a car go into the canal, you decide to enter the water, the cars holds a father & a daughter,,, who do you take first; because you probably won't be able to return in time to save the other one?

    I already know what your answer will be David. You will save the daughter. Why, because life is priceless & she still has some living to do.
    I agree with everything you say except that he's sold out and already looking for a bigger position and hence, is ignoring his mandate. I mean you might be right - I don't know his story.

    I kind of took it as he knew what he was up against and wasn't beating around the bush when he expressed the pushback he knew would come if he tried to do his job. Doctors aren't exactly politicians.

    Having said that though... you are right. That probably shouldn't be a part of the equation. But even a mechanic talks about the quote before working on the car lol. It's too bad really.

  7. #35
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I've always said since I was probably 18 years old the biggest threat to humans will come from the unseen world of microbes.

    We make the same fatal mistake humans have made since the industrial revolution namely too much faith in our technology and the ability to control our destiny.

    I wonder what took the crooks and conspiracy goons and anti government people so long to take advantage of the issue. The media just keeps pushing the story to try and really panic the population.

    In the end there is no cure for this disease so it will just run it's course. This is just one of many such diseases out there ready to pounce.
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  8. #36
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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    Obviously a terrible disease, and I don't believe any conspiracy theories at all. Our border security is very lax at the moment, no doubt that will change once the first case arrives here. I have heard they have had good results taking anti bodies from survivors to give to patients. This is probably only the first of many problems of this nature that we may have to face in the future, or more to the point, our children and grandchildren. Antibiotics are failing to combat diseases because of resilience and mutation. This may sound a bit coarse, but maybe it is mother nature's way of saying enough.
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  9. #37
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    The cruel reality is that we will probably develop vaccines quickly, now that the western world is being threatened. We (the west) don't generally give a fig if Africans drop dead by the thousands every day, as long as they do it in their own country and maintain the flow of minerals and ores to our factories so that we can have our iPads. Ebola only became a hot button issue when it crossed borders. If that hadn't happened, noone would be interested in ebola research or mass production because a handful of dead white people are far more important than a couple thousand black people far away.

    And not until we have our first modern global pandemic will the governments accept that the economic impact of a pandemic is worse than the impact of restricting air travel. If Ebola had been airborne and just a little bit more contagious, by now we'd have had a pandemic at the scale of the Spanish flu.
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  10. #38
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    Yeah, but I want to pick the actor that plays me, tall, dark , handsome, hair, six-pack, highly educated,,,,,,,,,,
    Gee Jon.....I'de love to help you out but, I'm booked solid man.
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  11. #39
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I've always said since I was probably 18 years old the biggest threat to humans will come from the unseen world of microbes.

    We make the same fatal mistake humans have made since the industrial revolution namely too much faith in our technology and the ability to control our destiny.
    Couldn't agree more .
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  12. #40
    "Whatever you are, be a good one" dtrain17's Avatar
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    I am just waiting on the terrorists and others that love us Western countries so much to have the light bulb go off......."""Ebola, as a weapon of mass destruction, brilliant!!".

    Also, if you look back through time, mother nature always has had the upper hand in dealing with population control. She reminds me of my ex-wife, nasty, cruel, and a heartless b**ch.
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