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Thread: What is wrong with America
11-20-2014, 02:45 AM #141
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Thanked: 3I will weigh in in this subject as well. There was an example set in ancient Israel. This was a nation blessed and set apart from all others. GOD would communicate directly with their Priests and Kings on occasion. They were given a strict set of rules to follow, and there was no excuse for breaking them.
Of course time passed, people rebelled, and often a generation went without really utilizing the commandment from GOD. At these times GOD removed his protection from them, and permitted the worst, most vile, base and evil nations to defeat them and take over.
Some prophets would rise up, and GOD would be with them supernaturally strengthening them, thus granting Israel deliverance.
This went on and on and on, until the Messiah came to Earth & was crucified. Afterward the blood of the Messiah granting all believing Jews and Gentiles a personal relationship with GOD that was never attainable through the law given to Moses. These believers were now changed into children of GOD. Sons and Daughters of THE MOST HIGH GOD. And also participants in a Royal Priesthood, being peculiar people and desirous of good works toward others.
See this was the plan the whole time as this world will be destroyed and a new heaven and earth developed. Thus the redeemed of THE MOST HIGH GOD will dwell with HIM for ever.
There are other supernatural characters at play. Creatures with higher intelligence and capabilities strong enough to control earthly nations. The 10th chapter of Daniel spoke of a supernatural "Prince of Persia", who fought with and delayed an Angel for 21 days, until Michael, a more powerful angel, arrived to help. Again, until that moment, this angel was prevented from reaching Daniel, thus proving that these invisible battles have direct ramifications on human fortunes. Plus it proves the 2/3rds vs 1/3rds battle strategy that Michael conquered Lucifer and threw him out of heaven with, spake in Revelations.
However all has not all been fulfilled. And a nation has arisen called The United States. This was a strange nation, and it is speculated that the USA could be the nation mentioned in Daniel that is "Partly strong and partly broken" being made of Iron and Clay.
This was the final nation to arise and dominate the Earth. In the days of this nation it was said that some kind of heavenly visit would occur. A mountain coming down to strike it. This event would destroy this kingdom and also the systems that its philosophies were built upon in place 1000s of years before it. Thus creating some kind of worldwide knowledge of GOD.
Some thought that this final nation was Rome. But the USA is stronger than Rome ever could be. Though the government philosophy and organization of the USA is similar to Greek and Roman models. So the Rome choice would be wrong because the dream says that this would be the final rule over Earth. Obviously Rome wasn't the final rule. Though Christianity did spread under Rome, as it has the USA.....until recently.
I have never seen more divisiveness in one nation in the history of the world than what I see in the USA now.
Obviously the USA, after the defeat of the British Empire in the Revolutionary War, has risen further than any nation. And I doubt that China will take over before "The Event".
We have forsaken GOD...and the same ill fate from EVIL PEOPLE, RELIGIONS AND PHILOSOPHIES may await it did Israel of old.
If we turn back to GOD it may postpone it all. But I don't see that happening.Last edited by Mach7; 11-20-2014 at 03:13 AM.
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yardie (11-20-2014)
11-20-2014, 01:46 PM #142
I couldn't agree more. We need God he doesnt need us. Recorded accounts of God wanting to smoke the whole lot of the species. God dont change. Spec dont change.What part of do it his way or get fired dont people get.
You stated it more eloquantly Sir, this is the Detroit Public School version.
While teaching basic math , I had to use drug amounts (weights) and prices to teach. Amazingly the whole class was able to do conversions and supply demand and ratios in profit margins. Its also what wrong with America, I love to teach, when I am reduced to these methods to make the point , WHERE ELSE but the street and this lifestyle will the knowledge be used. I blame but myself for teaching this way. The means didnt justify the ends.following year I taught from the textbook 69% failed. I quit that job.Your only as good as your last hone job.
11-20-2014, 01:50 PM #143
11-21-2014, 12:22 AM #144
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Actually if the descendants of slaves would have received the 40 Acres and a mule promised them, there is a possibility that America would have developed differently...and for the better.
Here is my personal opinion on how the "African American" experience would differ from the thug filled urban areas of today.
First of all the former slaves would have kept the acreage unjustly denied them. They would never have had reason to flee to the cities and sardine into ghettos like they did. Even if some did leave for the cities they would have left with money from the sale of their acreage for a fair price. Thus arriving in the cities, not to form ghettos, but to be upscale property owners and DEVOUT CHRISTIANS!
Those choosing to keep their acreage would have instantly been owners of potentially highly productive African American farms staffed with people specially bred to work hard. Some would call these superior farmers, due to 100s of years of slave breeding. And the athletic prowess we see in the modern day descendants of slaves, would have instead been expended on successful black farming and the rise of unique African American agricultural methods, produce and agricultural empires rather than football, basketball, track ect.....and drugs.
These things were never to be, though. Thus filling locales such as Ferguson, MO with the degenerate thuggery that we see today. In retrospect that is probably the reason that these thugs exist, and are so violent and hostile.
And im not so sure the "Takers", as they are called today, would have traded in the acreage for, uh, the welfare checks and foodstamps that they apparently "Take" off of society today.
But if the slave farmer would have been given what was promised, I think that their unique methods and produce would have fuel what would have been the mostly white urban areas. Large major metropolises, like Detriot, full of whites dwelling in majority and peace. Fueled by a booming heartland mixed with offerings from various black farms.
And the suburbs would not have developed as we know them today, as there would be no need for "White Flight" from the cities.
Plus there would never have been the development of "The Nation of Islam" and other "violent-toward-white" negative ideologies, based on the malcontent of some radical Blacks. I say this because all blacks would have remained strong in a rural Christian worship. And a faith so strong that no hateful ideologies would infiltrate it.
The lewd music like what mainstream Rap has morphed into, would never have developed. But traditional instruments, guitar folk would have reigned up to the present day....with Gospel being the most prevalent form of song expression.
A utopia denied if you ask me. Now is too late.Last edited by Mach7; 11-21-2014 at 12:43 AM.
11-21-2014, 01:23 AM #145
Well I am out lol - don't believe in god.
11-21-2014, 01:52 AM #146
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11-21-2014, 02:06 AM #147
Just a general observation on my part here.
If you study the history of mankind you will find more people have been tortured, maimed, slaughtered, killed,despised, cultures destroyed and subjugated, people discriminated against in the worst ways, scapegoated and every other negative thing that can be done to other the name of God than all the petty dictators and societies just looking for a land grab.
it's always this God or that God or my God is tougher than yours and can kick his butt.No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero
11-21-2014, 01:37 PM #148
A word of commendation to all.
To believe or not believe in God.
Yet all your observations inputs have been respectful of others points of view. WELL DONE. I an refreshed that we have different viewpoints and are respectful of others even if we personally disagree. This is how a real discussion is held. All sides have made astute points that are poignantly stated.
Yet all input to date is in agreement that something is very wrong with America. When Germany is held in higher esteem than the USA . That says we are not king of the hill, It also shows how that within several decades a vilified country with a drive to do better can overcome horrible odds and a bad reputation to become the gold standard for the world to aspire too. Yes its broke, Dad said " I dont care which of you boys broke it, which one of you can fix it?". He who fixed it received fathers praise and that made it all worthwhile. We should do the sameYour only as good as your last hone job.
11-21-2014, 02:46 PM #149
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Thanked: 734While I acknowledge that religion has seen a lot of conflict, I don't believe this statement. In fact, I usually view statements like this as a means of dismissing religion as a whole, the good that it has done and the bad. I'm not here to deny any of the lives lost fighting over religion but I firmly believe that if there is one thing that is responsible for the most number of deaths over the planet, its government. Religious wars were significant but I don't see them stacking up against WW1, WW2, the Napoleon conquests, civil wars in the US, China, Russia, the millions lost to Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, or the Khmer Rouge. And that's just for starters. The list goes on. Even today, the majority of religious killing is done via some form of government. Yet when religion brings us benefits, we try to ignore that.
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Hirlau (11-21-2014)
11-21-2014, 03:34 PM #150
Yet historically, religion was the incitement to go to war by governments. Many of the millions exterminated by Hitler were selected by....their religion. I think it is a fallacy to separate it out and say that is was a government because the "organs" of religion have historically been religious in nature, to wit, the Vatican was the government (directly and/or indirectly) over most of Europe for centuries.
The easy road is rarely rewarding.