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  1. #1
    < Banned User > Flanny's Avatar
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    Red face House hunt take 2

    Well, this is take 2 on house hunting. I spent last night in the parking lot of a truck stop. Paid 8 bucks for a shower that was slightly better than warm water. I don't know if it's the kinks in my neck or what but I did a really lousy shave this a.m. It's the dovo, usually gives top dollar shaves. I stropped it plenty good and thought I was paying close attention to detail. I'm tired as heck though from sleeping in the driver seat of an economy car.

    This afternoon I'm meeting with a local fellow one of my friends got me lined up with, and hopefully getting some information on real estate in this area. Another friend wants me to check out their place in Alabama so that may be my next stop. We'll see.

    Anyone who prays, please put us on your list. It's getting down to the wire and I don't have a home yet and I'm getting nervous. I've already been put in the hospital once for 2 days because they said I was having a heart attack when I went to the er for some pain I was having. After all the tests they said it was stress and over exertion and "no residual damage" but I'm supposed to take it easy and relax . On a good note the local Dell offices here are starting to hire so if I can get an address I may be able to get steady work instead of having to do strickly self employment.

    This truck stop has free wireless access and I brought my lt so that's a big plus. I'll probably spend a few days here then hit Alabama if nothing comes up here.

    Thanks for all the prayers of those who pray.

    Glen F

  2. #2
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Strength and courage.
    I wish you the best of luck in your search for a house and a new job.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  3. #3
    Senior Member Namdnas's Avatar
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    Best of luck to you Glen, sounds like a harrowing experience. You'll be in my family's prayers this holiest of weekends. - John

  4. #4
    Senior Member, Moderator floridaboy's Avatar
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    Glen, I can't immagine what you are going through. You will be in my families prayers and I will add you to the church prayer list.
    Good luck, and may God Bless

  5. #5
    Senior Member Kentriv's Avatar
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    Definitely praying for you Glen. I really can't imagine what you're going through, but I will keep you in my thoughts for sure.


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