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Thread: a short hike the other day ..

  1. #1
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    Default a short hike the other day ..

    well it was in the 40's the other day and I just had to get out for a little walk as I couldn't take this sitting around anymore !!
    followed some large tracks up and down the rocks for a good mile or 2 , then I went to go in a smaller cave and something took off through the cave , I could hear the rocks falling inside as whatever it was running inside .. so being all manly like I am I jumped , drew my handgun and walked away backwards as fast as I could .., ooppss I mean I ran in there after that critter !!lol..

    we have had a couple mountain lion show up on trail cameras and one on a local police cars dash cam as it ran across the road over the last couple years and some large tracks but some how the state says no such thing in the areas

    I can honestly say I have never saw mountain lion tracks so I cant tell you but these are much bigger then any dog track I have saw and they had long strides and in and out of the rocks so who knows as this is an area of low people traffic and of course the snow was melted to much to get any good pictures on the rocks do to snow melt ..all in all a nice walk and realization that this winter has left me way out of shape !!!

    tracks next to deer tracks

    tracks next to my tracks ( my hand isn't on ground)

    Last edited by gooser; 03-19-2015 at 05:54 PM.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Looks like lion tracks to me. We have more than we need around here. Now protected , they can't even spend tax money counting them. We actually have lion tunnels going under the freeway so they can cross. The last 1 I saw didn't take the tunnel and was run over. About 200 feet from a flat bobcat.
    One thing for sure, in most cases IF you see 1, your being hunted. They are very elusive.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  3. #3
    Kyle Redcane's Avatar
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    10pups they killed one down here for stalking a family. I think it was lat year. I know they are real sneaky.
    Last edited by Redcane; 03-19-2015 at 06:03 AM. Reason: Language

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Yeah the new style of deprivation hunting. The self defense clause. I think they get 1 or 2 a year that way. I had this nice gal telling me she was helping/supporting the law protecting these beautiful cats and she had one in her neighborhood they spotted once in awhile. I told her to go out and pet it :<0)
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  5. #5
    Kyle Redcane's Avatar
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    LOL... Yep. Tell her they make fine pets and they are easy to catch.

  6. #6
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redcane View Post
    LOL... Yep. Tell her they make fine pets and they are easy to catch.
    3 years ago the state game warden said IF there is one in OH it is a pet that got loose .. uumm ?? ya ok !!!! I know in southern OH they have been seeing more and more the last couple years !! the bears and bobcats are popping up all over OH now sow why not a little ol kitty cat ??
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Wild animal pets are a problem in Ca. Don't ask me how they get them but all kinds of critters get loose. I saw a guy in the mountains going towards a shopping center with a young lion on a leash. He rounded a corner and the lion spotted a lady with a dog. That lion must of dragged that guy 200 feet before it stopped at a car door with 1 scared woman inside.
    In my old town of Norco they passed a law saying you had to have a permit to own a rhino. Apparently , yep , somebody had 1 :<0)

    If I were you I would keep a gun handy all the time. Pet or not a lion for a neighbor is not a good thing.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Mtn Lion sightings have become very common in my local,our drought is driving them and the deer out of the foothills.
    Things are real bad as far as water,we have one year left in our dams
    Dangerous within 1 Mile

  9. #9
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10Pups View Post
    Looks like lion tracks to me. We have more than we need around here. Now protected , they can't even spend tax money counting them. We actually have lion tunnels going under the freeway so they can cross. The last 1 I saw didn't take the tunnel and was run over. About 200 feet from a flat bobcat.
    One thing for sure, in most cases IF you see 1, your being hunted. They are very elusive.
    The same was said about Siberian tigers. If you see one, he has not decided whether to eat you or not.
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  10. #10
    Simple Shaver RoobtheLoob's Avatar
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    Those definitely look like lion prints. I had a friend (fairly reputable source) claim that he was chased by a lion on his mountain bike in northern California. He does the downhill stuff and he said it jumped out of no where, so he point the bike straight down the mountain and didn't stop till he reached his car.
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