So I was hesitant on asking about trucks on a shaving forum but then I saw Wullies post on his new toy.

Anyways this is a question about which truck I should get. My wife told me a few months ago that I should maybe get a truck for my next vehicle. I have thought about it and I am seriously considering it although I am not a truck person. I like my two door sports car but now that I have a house I have learned that it would be very useful having something that can haul. I was thinking about getting a new truck being that I would like it to be the last vehicle that I buy for me for the rest of my life. That is, of course, unless I become able to buy a ferrari. I figure if I get a new truck then I will know the trucks history from day one being it will have been mine the whole time. However new is always expensive and have thought that maybe a used truck a year or two old would still be just as good and significantly cheaper.

So now my question is what would be a great truck with great reliability and a good background. I don't want a huge truck because I really don't think I need that plus bigger truck mean bigger gas bill. I was thinking a midsize like a Nissan Frontier or Toyota Tacoma with a crew cab. Has to have a crew cab.

Anyways let me know your opinions and why. And whether I should get new or if a particular year of a model is better than newer. Thanks guys.