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  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Nice to be in Londoon these days

    Not that I am - but just read that a number of nice places are going to be open late night and have cool events coming up - ICA lounge party, Tate Andy W screening, the Surrealist ball...


  2. #2
    The Voice in Your Head scarface's Avatar
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    Surrealists have balls???

    (...and you can take that A-A-A-N-Y way you want!...)



  3. #3
    The Voice in Your Head scarface's Avatar
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    We oughta to put up a billboard...


    ...The Town With Surrealist Balls....

    (...which is certainly better than no balls at all!...)


    Last edited by scarface; 05-14-2007 at 07:48 PM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Lou, I was going to pass the first time but now the second post - you seem to be obsessed with balls?


  5. #5
    The Voice in Your Head scarface's Avatar
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    ....surrealist ones, yeah.

    (....I mean, hey...who doesn't like a good party?...)



  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Since we're on a topic about balls - one of our Columbian friends is getting DDD or something implants. She looks great as she is now, so most of us were trying to talk her out of it yesterday but her husband seems to support her

    I just wonder what kind of an example this is to her 11yo daughter... and my 10 yo daughter too


    I am guessing these are some very real balls someone might like?

  7. #7
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    What the is it with London anyway!? I found 1, that's ONE bar in which I could get a pint in past 11pm!
    Uncivilised limey s!


  8. #8
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Heh heh. Ahhh, X... our binge-drinking culture can't get its head around sensible, gradual, timely drinking. The laws changed a few years ago to allow pubs to stay open longer, but all that did really was to increase the number of clubs and bars (as opposed to traditional pubs).

    Nope, going to the pub just wouldn't be the same without hearing that bell at 10.45 and necking down as many pints as possible in the remaining 15 minutes!

    The French though... well, they're just such respectable, sensible and responsible drinkers. They introduce their children to red wine at a young age at home, but in such a way as not to lead to drink problems in later life. We Limeys instead do everything in our power to prevent any alcohol exposure to minors, with the result that by age 16 they're attracted to alcopops more through normal teenage rebellion than from the perspective of drinking for enjoyment. Our streets on Saturday nights are awash with blood and vomit. Nice!
    Last edited by majurey; 05-24-2007 at 07:53 AM.

  9. #9
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    In Belgium it is quite normal for children > 14 years old to drink something with alcohol on special occasions.

    When I was 12, I wanted to try my dad's vodka, and I just asked him. He then bought me a small thimble sized glass that I could drink it out of, on the sole condition that I only drank after asking him, and I could drink only 1 glass on a given day, in the weekend.

    Every so often, the glass increased slightly in size until I had a regular shotglass when I was 15 years old.
    From 16 onwards, the deal was that I could decide when to drink or how much, but my parents would retain the right to tell me to stop. Not that they ever needed it.

    By allowing me to drink at home, my parents had control over what I did, and I got to know alcohol in a safe environment.

    It is quite common for 16 year olds to go out and have beer in a cafe or at a party.
    And yes, on occasion they do get drunk and get sick and hung over in the morning. And generally, that happens the first time they go out. the second time they know what will happen and they're more careful.
    As long as I feel can trust my kids, I have no problem with them having a sip from my glass or -if they are old enough- having one of their own.

    The US obsession from keeping everybody dead sober until the age of 21 seems strange to me.
    you can drive a car at 16 years old.
    you can buy a shotgun at 18 years old. (or even younger?)
    you can enlist in the army and being send into deadly combat at 18.
    but you cannot have a brewsky at 20 years + 355 days?
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

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