Anti-establishment, Anti-lifetime polotician, Plain speaking. Define the problem. State a high price, negotiate the best possible outcome.
No candidate is perfect. Who is the lesser of the evils.
I have stated that voting is a peaceful mans way to change.
When this option fails,the next step as history has demonstrated is an uprising.
Would Americans open fire on fellow Americans over a point of view, stance? Civil War.
History has shown that this is an option.
If I gave you a $50 gold dollar. No one wants to give you the value of gold. They may give you the face value in food & gas.
Greed and corruption has devalued our country to a point that common values are not upheld.
If our country continues to dilute its common core values by importing people who reject our value system, we cease to be a country simply because WE are no longer America.
A stop gap measure must be installed.
Have any of you men ever taken your family to a store( mall,movies,ect,) and you were the only white person there?
Did you sense you were out of place? Did you get stares from the other ethnicity that you dont belong here.
I have, multiple times. Arabic areas. All black neighborhoods, Asian markets and malls.Hispanic markets, constuction crews where only the boss speaks broken english. I am all for assimilating others into our melting pot. When the pot says I am no longer welcome in my country that troubles me. I vote for lets get Americas house in order before importing more people who are rocking our dingy of a lifeboat. The masses need to realize we are at maximum density. twas the straw that broke the camels back. The camel is groaning under its load presently.