I have a smartphone. A Samsung Galaxy S3. Bought a pair for me and the wife about a year & a half ago. I don't mind that it was already at least two generations outdated. All I needed was a more recent (& more capable) phone than the 5+ year old "multimedia" phone I had; I also needed "new, in box" so as to ensure there wouldn't be any surprise issues.

Anyway. Let's see if I can get to the point. Warning: This post is likely going to be just this side of philosophical . That said, I welcome any conversation.

So, SWMBO complains that I'm "always plugged into something . If I am allowed, I play video games for relaxation & to have an outlet to vent agitation. As for my phone: I'm A.D.D. This means that when I'm not actively engaged in something, like a conversation, or a really good t.v. show, I might be on my phone occupying backburner processes in my brain. It usually starts as a random curiosity, spawned by a random shot or a post on here. I then fall down a web-fu rabbit hole named Google. It is a journey of self education. I don't mind this. I grew up on network television; sometimes PBS was the only channel with anything interesting on!

The wife "shoots daggers" from her eyes at me if I mention the hours a day she spends playing on her phone. Then it dawned on me: I don't have a single game on my smartphone! Instead, I'm always reading! Some reading is more "productive" than others, but oh well.

Another thought: most teens these days have smartphones. And I dare say they are almost never productive with them. ...I'm only 30. There are much worse things I could be doing with my phone.

I feel like I'm leaving something out, I might remember it later.