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Thread: I might be Healed

  1. #11
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Name:  Silversteel 1.jpg
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    Looks like i had a relapse. It's a silver steel with mop inlay and a big bug bite in the back scale. 6/8 and from what i can see in the photo very little if any hone wear. the back side of the blade has a little surface rust that should clean up nicely. I will have to make a new back scale so i will look for a piece of 1/8 horn.Name:  Silversteel  2.jpg
Views: 62
Size:  85.3 KBName:  Silversteel 3.jpg
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    Last edited by rhensley; 03-02-2016 at 01:57 PM.
    Hirlau and RezDog like this.

  2. #12
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    And you thought you were cured!

    I think, in general, RAD is only applicable to what lies in your interest. Sometimes our interests wax and wane in Razor-dom. Currently, I'm on the lookout for wedge/almost wedge razors less than $25. This usually gives me something to work on and I'm not out a ton of money if I screw it up. I would love to pick up some NOS razors, but those are more than I want to spend at the moment. It will probably develop into an itch to acquire something else. This website kind of embodies the phrase "To each his own." That's where my intrigue in this hobby lies, everyone has success with the same goal and probably does something unique to achieve it.
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  3. #13
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinnermint View Post
    And you thought you were cured!

    I think, in general, RAD is only applicable to what lies in your interest. Sometimes our interests wax and wane in Razor-dom. Currently, I'm on the lookout for wedge/almost wedge razors less than $25. This usually gives me something to work on and I'm not out a ton of money if I screw it up. I would love to pick up some NOS razors, but those are more than I want to spend at the moment. It will probably develop into an itch to acquire something else. This website kind of embodies the phrase "To each his own." That's where my intrigue in this hobby lies, everyone has success with the same goal and probably does something unique to achieve it.
    sounds like me. like everyone else i like a deal but like this razor it wasn't too expensive and needs some loving care which gives me something to do and when i tire of it i can let it go and most of the time break even.

  4. #14
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    It's possible to be cured. I don't have any interest in buying any further razors except maybe a custom sometime when I have the disposable income to justify the expense. I know what I like after buying a variety of widths and grinds, and I only typically shave with one of my razors, since that's the one that fits my style.

    I just made my last new soap/cream purchase except for replacing used up tubs, as I have run out of room in my cabinet for any more, and have enough to give me plenty of variety for a very long time.

    Brushes never bit, same with hones. I got what I needed and like what I have, no real reason to buy more.

    It has become about shaving, and taking pleasure in that, rather than collecting, for me. You can do it, too!

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