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Thread: The Pulse Shooting

  1. #1
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Default The Pulse Shooting

    ... another 50 gunned down. Over 50 in hospital, many in critical condition. Sigh. RIP.

    When did we start hating each other so much? You can hate on gays all you want, but these are still Americans! Our countrymen. The Lt. Gov. of Texas decided that a tweet stating, "You reap what you sow" was appropriate. So be darned that these are our brothers and sisters. They are the wrong kind and as such, deserved what they had coming.

    When did we start hating our differences so much?

    Remember not to make this about 2A or gun ownership or this thread will be closed down, and really... who cares anymore? This is about intolerance, and our love and embracing of hate .

  2. #2
    Aspiring Shaver gflight's Avatar
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    Politicians and news media live off of hate and people will always have their biases. Humans have hated one another since the beginning and will continue to do so.

    Have a great day...
    Geezer, Marshal and FAL like this.
    "When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound,
    rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal."

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Personal opinion... The media thrives on bad stuff, the TV shows pander to it, and the system is whacked!
    Where do morals/ethics come from if not in the home? TV of course, Reality shows, Superstars at play, Poor downtrodden have-nots glorified...Bigotry from the religious and political leaders, Too many people in too little space.
    Just my opinion.
    I'm adding that the Fanatic religionists/ bigots can find much support in their hate from those who will profit by it.
    The talking heads must be given material to give us "news" 24/7/365!
    Last edited by Geezer; 06-12-2016 at 04:59 PM. Reason: frustration!
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  4. #4
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geezer View Post
    Personal opinion... The media thrives on bad stuff, the TV shows pander to it, and the system is whacked!
    Where do morals/ethics come from if not in the home? TV of course, Reality shows, Superstars at play, Poor downtrodden have-nots glorified...Too many people in too little space.
    Just my opinion.
    Yes, but note too that Gandhi and his followers came out of one of the most populous places on earth.
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  5. #5
    FAL is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    ... another 50 gunned down. Over 50 in hospital, many in critical condition. Sigh. RIP.

    When did we start hating each other so much? You can hate on gays all you want, but these are still Americans! Our countrymen. The Lt. Gov. of Texas decided that a tweet stating, "You reap what you sow" was appropriate. So be darned that these are our brothers and sisters. They are the wrong kind and as such, deserved what they had coming.

    When did we start hating our differences so much?

    Remember not to make this about 2A or gun ownership or this thread will be closed down, and really... who cares anymore? This is about intolerance, and our love and embracing of hate .
    I believe that we started HATING More, when the Dot Gov.'s started campaigns to "MAKE us less tolerant", that seems to be the purpose of Media today. The Dot.Gov's WANT another Civil War, Why you ask?? because they want to Reduce population by 95% World Wide. The Elite only want enough SERVANTS left to wait on them and run critical work attributed to "Their" well being, they care Nothing about the common man or family's not their own. Look up Agenda 21, it's all in there In Print.
    I warn you though, as it did Me, the knowledge that you take in will make you a Much less happy person for you will see many things that will click, epiphanies that can Not be denied.

    There are the Worst of times coming to this continent, First the financial collapse, then the electric grid will be shut down, EMP pulse to disable vehicles etc.

    Riots because the Free Stuff Army, (Imported instant Democrats) will be hungry because their EBT cards won't work. Next, the NATO boys will be called in to keep continuity of Government, which may not be workable because by that time...... I'll stop here as I do Not want to get Banned again, just trying to converse about touchy subjects. Cheers and have a nice day.
    Last edited by FAL; 06-12-2016 at 06:12 PM.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    the world would be a better place if we didn't know what was going on all the time. the correlation between overly covered news events has been shown to bring an increase in such copy-cat events as well as numbing us to the shock and outrage of such. JMHO

  7. #7
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FAL View Post
    I believe that we started HATING More, when the Dot Gov.'s started campaigns to "MAKE us less tolerant", that seems to be the purpose of Media today. The Dot.Gov's WANT another Civil War, Why you ask?? because they want to Reduce population by 95% World Wide. The Elite only want enough SERVANTS left to wait on them and run critical work attributed to "Their" well being, they care Nothing about the common man or family's not their own. Look up Agenda 21, it's all in there In Print.
    I warn you though, as it did Me, the knowledge that you take in will make you a Much less happy person for you will see many things that will click, epiphanies that can Not be denied.

    There are the Worst of times coming to this continent, First the financial collapse, then the electric grid will be shut down, EMP pulse to disable vehicles etc.

    Riots because the Free Stuff Army, (Imported instant Democrats) will be hungry because their EBT cards won't work. Next, the NATO boys will be called in to keep continuity of Government, which may not be workable because by that time...... I'll stop here as I do Not want to get Banned again, just trying to converse about touchy subjects. Cheers and have a nice day.
    The only problem with Agenda 21 FAL is that we need population growth so that we have a larger tax base every generation. This is key because if we don't, we have to replace the money's we took.. uh, leveraged from our social services.

    To advocate for a lower population base it to either call for fiscal responsibility, or to call for anarchy. No one with a 4 year mandate is ever going to call for the former.

    Italy believe it or not is actually addressing this openly! It's incredible. Go Italy!
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  8. #8
    FAL is offline
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    Default The U.S. IS being Systematically SHUT DOWN On Purpose.

    Do you see that David/earcutter? I have noticed that for at least 15 years and it really Started in the late 80's.

    There IS a plan and we the people are Not privy to that knowledge, but, the Intelligence can be rooted out through the digital searches and must be assembled like a jigsaw puzzle.

    People ARE Waking up. When they do awaken, they are NOT Happy with the bold new Hell that is descending upon us.
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  9. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Our society has been in decline for many years now and this is in keeping with a world wide phenomena of increasing violence and more intolerance as well as deteriorating physical conditions on Earth.

    I have always felt the human race is reaching an important milestone where folks will wake up and decide to live in peace with each other and solve the vital problems or it will just descend into total chaos.

    I'm not an optimistic person.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  10. #10
    FAL is offline
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    Default More Tax Base? Nahh, .Gov. just prints more $$$ and makes it worth less every month.

    The Gay Nightclub the Pulse, also had a controlled explosion, THIS like So Many other FALSE FLAGS to stir the wicked Brew. I Firmly believe that the gay club IS just Another False Flag to try to bring in _ _ _ CONTROL or to HAVE A REASON TO call Marshal Law.

    Sure, one can stick your head in a hole like an Ostrich, but that will Not stop the Evil getting to you. Ignoring the problem will Not help.

    I prefer to sit straight up and face oncoming Danger, to do otherwise could have Deadly consequences.
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