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Thread: Pet Peeves?

  1. #31
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    That's about as bad as a customer ahead of me in the Duncan Donuts line ordering an entire hot breakfast. It's a dang donut shop, not a dang Piccadilly's Restaurant.

  2. #32
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    TC, i understand and feel the same way about passing trucks. I see this all the time. A truck trying to pass the other at a difference of 2mph. I feel if im behind someone that is slowing me down by 2mph im not going to be slowed down that much time so i back off and set the cruse. Others think they just have to do top apeed of there trucks. This is normally caused by governed trucks. One guy can do 63mph and the other only 65mph. It burns me up too.

    And as far as the two trucks you see running side by side at construction merge, what they are doing is blocking one lane so others will stop trying to pass and cause the flow to get bottle necked at the merge point. By doing this everyone has to slow down to the same speed and the merge happens safer and easier for all. Its the cars that want to jump back and forth thru the traffic to be one more car ahead that makes drivers do this. We cant merge as easy and when there is 8 cars bumper to bumper and the lane that needs to merge cant is an issue. This way everyone marges and goes the same speed. Im sorry to all who hate this but its a safety thing that a lot of us driver will do. Even when we dont know one another and if no radio comunication. Its just something that most experianced drivers exspect the next truck to know.

    The walmart isles is a good one Glen. Two old ladys blocking everything. Im not in walmart because i want to be there. I want to get what i need and leave so make room!

    Anyone with phone in hand while driving is just wrong. I admit once in a while i will pick mine up but its just to hit a speed dial button or snap a pic but i feel it in a safe type situation. Not text. I can stop and text if i feel the need. It dont take that much time away from the drive.

    I hope i dont offened others here by my comments and when driving but most the time the idiot truck drivers are the ones that havent been doing it for years. They are in a big hurry and havent learned that a few minutes or miles isnt going to make that much differance in there day.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  3. #33
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post

    And as far as the two trucks you see running side by side at construction merge, what they are doing is blocking one lane so others will stop trying to pass and cause the flow to get bottle necked at the merge point. By doing this everyone has to slow down to the same speed and the merge happens safer and easier for all. Its the cars that want to jump back and forth thru the traffic to be one more car ahead that makes drivers do this. We cant merge as easy and when there is 8 cars bumper to bumper and the lane that needs to merge cant is an issue. This way everyone marges and goes the same speed. Im sorry to all who hate this but its a safety thing that a lot of us driver will do. Even when we dont know one another and if no radio comunication. Its just something that most experianced drivers exspect the next truck to know.

    So the bottleneck happens behind the trucks instead of in front of them. I find it hard to believe that the trucks do this out of the goodness of their hearts.

    Around here they have adds on the TV to try to get people to merge at the merge signs and use both lanes during backups.

    Zipper Merge

  4. #34
    Senior Member Pete123's Avatar
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    Companies like Klar Seifen making awesome soap in the shape of a skinny cylinder with little space for the brush.

    Regarding truck drivers, I find that most of them drive in a professional manner - to a far greater extent than the rest of us.

  5. #35
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Being a cantankerous sort, I could write a pamphlet of driving peeves.

    This is a fresh peeve that I captured a picture of today...
    Name:  IMG_2570.jpg
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    Airline bottle of cinnamon-flavored whiskey in the road in front of my house. Isuspect people are driving around spiking their convenience store soda and throwing the empties into the street.

  6. #36
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Littering too ,,,

  7. #37
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    So the bottleneck happens behind the trucks instead of in front of them. I find it hard to believe that the trucks do this out of the goodness of their hearts.

    Around here they have adds on the TV to try to get people to merge at the merge signs and use both lanes during backups.

    Zipper Merge
    Being a Minnesotan as well, I just don't believe that the zipper merge is more efficient. I can't be convinced of that. When that first came out in papers that MNDOT encouraged a zipper merge and said it was better, I was skeptical from the start.

    The reason I don't think it's more efficient is in the "traditional" merging of two lanes to one, alerted by signage well in advance, there are the people (like me) that merge early. I also let others in in front of me for a period of time. None of us, however, like the others who "take cuts" and run in the left lane all the way up to the single lane convergence. People who merged when they were "supposed to" will NOT generally let in the "cutters" which in my opinion then creates a bottleneck.

    To me it's encouraging bad behavior.
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  8. #38
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    The merge sign is about 1/4 mile on average before the lane ends. If you should merge 4 miles before that they would end the lane or put up cones there. If you don't want anyone "cutting" in front of you in the line, merge and/or allow people to merge at the merge sign not 3.5 miles early.

    I am sure that most of us here on this thread would agree with me in that, "If I was in charge the world would be a heck of a lot different place!"

  9. #39
    Senior Member alex1921's Avatar
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    The zipper merge works if done correctly. Unfortunately at least in the twin cities if you drive all the way up to merge people tend to yell and give you some sort of hand signals.
    engine46 likes this.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutHikerDad View Post
    Yep, just as dangerous as drunk driving statistically. Speaking of phones, here's one: You see her in restaurants, at the movies, etc. She's a stereotype I call the "real estate lady." She takes a call, and walks around talking real loud so that everyone can see how important she is, the big deals she's making, etc.

    Now that I think of it, most of my pet peeves seem to involve cell phones. in some way.
    I remember when cell phones became popular and portable. This was a common occurrence of people talking loud and putting on airs like they were important.
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