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Thread: A Gentleman's Honor

  1. #1
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Default A Gentleman's Honor

    Disclaimer: poor grammar and perhaps less than PC notions.

    Good day Gentlemen!
    This morning as I browsed through the morning news, and that which has transpired in days past, I found my eyes searching for words that seem out of print.. words of antiquity perhaps? Honorable words that support and are supported by a more noble aspect of our human spirit. Indeed my eyes did not find such satisfaction.

    Today's headlines are often full of vitriol and distaste, yet we must remember that the gloves were removed by some for valid reason, and by others in a basic compulsion that lies outside the realm of goodness, honor, and integrity.
    This is a fight that many of less savory inclinations would suggest proves our demise, and delegitimizes our so called high ground. This notion, good sir, I must respectfully disagree with.
    Within the course of ones life, it is often that we must get these hands dirty, whether in work, play, or discord.
    At play is nothing new.
    In general, the lack of historical knowledge by these new generations is staggering though! Such "big and groundbreaking" ideas swirl in their naive minds as they surf this wave at the crest, ready to change the world in every way, where we of the older generations have failed... and to them this is "every way".
    This youthful ignorance and naivety is as old as our species. And with due diligence one will find the ideas are nothing new. Though it is natural and necessary for the learning experience.
    It is not only the character of the youth which is the problem facing us.. it is the utilization of these traits by others who should know better, for perhaps nefarious reasons, at best for political/power reasons that lie outside good will.

    It takes a bit longer these days for a boy to become a man. Given that, one might assume that the voting age would increase, and yet some big voices wish to decrease the voting age to a fools age.. and anyone who says that they were not at least part fool at that young age, are either still 16 years old, or never advanced past that point mentally and emotionally.
    This is a political power play that preys on the weak. IMHO.
    This is everyday phenomena at this point in our great country, and in fact the world stage. The savagery continues as the tyranny of the masses is conducted by those without the moral fortitude to check themselves. They take not the high ground, yet I assume that their ends justify their means in their hungry hearts.

    This one word is the fleeting answer to an eternal question that begs attention at every turn.
    We find justification in removing these gloves when need be, and yet we can see the other end of the spectrum.. we can see the savages who don't even know what a glove "is"..! Please forgive my use of what "could" be a loaded word for many.. (savages).
    I tell you my friend that the difference lies in a balance.
    The ability to know right from wrong is in fact being eroded by those who I contend should know better. The youth of the world are falling into this "post modern" trap of thought, that is nihilistic in essence. Again IMHO.
    I believe this is happening for many reasons. One reason is that people have lost hope. And with hope they have lost the desire and or ability to hold something true and pure.. as sacred.
    When I remember my grandfathers words.. one word comes to the forefront.. "integrity".
    This was a man who served his country in a fight to the death, against foes who told similar lies as do many "post modern" characters.
    This man did not ask for recognition when he returned. He did not cry and complain about the horrors he experienced. Not to suggest that an understanding ear is not a good thing, simply that it was a private struggle.
    He came home and immediately began the task of raising his family, and taking part in the continued building of this great country.
    How did he and many others do this? What elements of his character allowed him to wage an internal battle and win?.. so as to be able to contain the toxicity that would forever be a part of him? To contain it so as to mostly pass on the good parts to his offspring.. shield them from the depths of despair. To leave the war across the seas. To continue his duty as the war never really ends.
    Was it integrity? Was it the fact that he held something true and pure as sacred?
    This question will only be answered within me when I dedicate myself to the answer. The answer is already there.
    Be a man. Be a gentleman. Get your hands dirty and know the reason why. Commit to that reason as you have committed to the answer within you.
    That answer is love, honor, integrity, good faith, responsibility. It is the dedication to "hope" in actions, not gimmicky slogans by leaders who would manipulate our good natures.
    The barbarians are at the gates my friends. Answer the door firmly, yet kindly, and greet the fool.
    ***Just my thoughts. Please share your ideas of what virtues may help move us forward in ways perhaps lost. All this is IMHO.
    Sorry so long winded!!!
    Last edited by MikeT; 07-12-2018 at 05:34 PM. Reason: Attempt at grammar, paragraphs, indentation.. etc. :)
    “You must unlearn what you have learned.”
    – Yoda

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Just a warning here.

    Talk from a philosophical standpoint all you want however don't turn this into a political bashing post of one side over the other.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  4. #3
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I have been reading that for 15 minutes.....Break that up a bit, willya?
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  5. #4
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Sorry Tom, tried to condense it to no avail..

    Also tried to maintain the right balance of benign idea sharing, thought provocation, and humor... though I think it may have been painfully bereft of humor. ^_^ hehe

    Hard not to generalize and tick someone off without removing the jewels from that bull.
    Even though it may yield a tasty steer, the essence is often lost..
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  6. #5
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    OH! I was speaking about breaking it up into paragraphs, indents, spaces.
    That sort of thing. Makes it easier to read and comprehend!
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  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    OH! I was speaking about breaking it up into paragraphs, indents, spaces.
    That sort of thing. Makes it easier to read and comprehend!
    All right sharptonn, not everyone's a poet or a writer! I understand though, it was a bit tough to read, although I did like it.

    I do commiserate with you though MikeT. I too lived in Kalifornia and it did seem that our ideas of the "manly traits" are a bit wanting there. I must say though that this is a common problem of the ages where the youth are not what they should be.

    AUTHOR: Socrates (469–399 B.C.)

    QUOTATION: The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.


  8. #7
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    That last one i could read amd understand. What Mike-T wrote was just too much for this old truckdriver to understand.

    And my opinion, the youth of today think only of themselves. THAT is where the problem starts.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  9. #8
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mglindo View Post
    All right sharptonn, not everyone's a poet or a writer! I understand though, it was a bit tough to read, although I did like it.

    I do commiserate with you though MikeT. ... the youth are not what they should be.

    AUTHOR: Socrates (469–399 B.C.)

    QUOTATION: The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for...

    Great point! This puts emphasis on a concept that has been running around in my small mind... the cyclical nature of culture and history.
    Perhaps a good question: At what point on that eternal cycle do we find ourselves? And what can we do to move it in the right direction if not a futile endeavor?

    No worries Jerry! I hardly understand it myself.
    What you describe is a part of the lack of responsibility.. and so it fits well.
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  10. #9
    I got this . . . Orville's Avatar
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    I love Robert Anson Heinlein, in all his forms . . . and I believe in this one maxim that he occasionally dusted off for the masses.

    Every great society has had, at it's core, the belief in, "women and children first", knowing full well that without them, civilization perishes. A society that strays from this core belief will soon decline and fall to ruin.

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  12. #10
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orville View Post
    I love Robert Anson Heinlein, in all his forms . . . and I believe in this one maxim that he occasionally dusted off for the masses.

    Every great society has had, at it's core, the belief in, "women and children first", knowing full well that without them, civilization perishes. A society that strays from this core belief will soon decline and fall to ruin.
    I've never thought about that before, I'm going to read more on it.
    It reminds me of my brother and I.. same house, same upbringing. But he has 5 kids and takes care of none of them. I believe a big reason is lack of willingness to sacrifice for his women and children. To put them before himself, to change his life.
    In my mind a gentlemans wishes are for the best for his women and children, and he acts upon that.
    Makes sense that that would spell success for a country..
    Thanks for the good thoughts!
    Geezer, sharptonn and Gasman like this.

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