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  1. #131
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Creel View Post
    The assumption of intelligence is ignorance.

    Ignorance is bliss only in the fact that one doesn’t know any better.

    Willful Ignorance can also speak to a lack of effort. A bad faith decision to avoid becoming informed about something so as to avoid having to make undesirable decisions.

    Vincible ignorance refers to the intentional refusal to understand or consider other points of view or to consider the consequences of a particular proposition or action.
    I am curious Creel, have you ever met anyone without intelligence?
    I have met a couple but more often I come across willfull stupidity and intellectual laziness, both of which can be cured by higher expectations, at least that is my view.

  2. #132
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    I am curious Creel, have you ever met anyone without intelligence?
    Sadly in the palliative ward for severe head trauma victims; though I hope with all my heart that the Doctors were just ignorant in their interpretation.

    But point made just the same.

    We have all seen and suffered the consequences when people stubbornly refuse to use their intelligence.

    History proves one thing clear as crystal: Mankind has shown a unique ability to NOT learn from his mistakes.

  3. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Creel View Post
    Sadly in the palliative ward for severe head trauma victims; though I hope with all my heart that the Doctors were just ignorant in their interpretation.

    But point made just the same.

    We have all seen and suffered the consequences when people stubbornly refuse to use their intelligence.

    History proves one thing clear as crystal: Mankind has shown a unique ability to NOT learn from his mistakes.
    It is interesting that you used the word palliative which is exactly how I see most social programs, which is dealing with a problem without addressing the underlying cause of that problem!

  4. #134
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    The assumption of intelligence is ignorance? maybe but the assumption of ignorance is arrogance and elitism and is at the heart of what Mark has issue with (I think).

    And who are these Godly men who assume all are ignorant? --- yes, mankind does not learn from its mistakes, it keeps replacing one form of totalitarianism for another --just another manifestation of elitism and the assumption that a few know best.


  5. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaegerhund View Post
    The assumption of intelligence is ignorance? maybe but the assumption of ignorance is arrogance and elitism and is at the heart of what Mark has issue with (I think).

    And who are these Godly men who assume all are ignorant? --- yes, mankind does not learn from its mistakes, it keeps replacing one form of totalitarianism for another --just another manifestation of elitism and the assumption that a few know best.

    Right again Justin! You must have a sight glass pointed directly at my brain.

  6. #136
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    For me this has been quite an enjoyable thread with thoughtful insight from all, and quite friendly with no malice! These are the discussions I truly appreciate!
    Is there anyone else out there who would like to contribute? I would truly enjoy hearing from all!!

  7. #137
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Just to clarify something:

    As you know I have recently become father for the second time.
    I give the baby the last bottle of the day so that my wife go go to bed early and get some extra sleep (*) so in the evening I just do whatever until I can feed the baby and go to bed myself. This also means that I am house bound from 8 or 9PM onwards, every night (**).

    That is also the reason I post so much these days. It is not because I am quarrelsome, want to make a point or push an agenda. It is simply because having these discussions is the closest thing I have atm to going to the pub and discussing politics and current events among friends.
    I really enjoy these discussions.

    (*) We tried to switch just once so that she would give the last bottle and I would give the 4 AM bottle. We both agreed afterwards that we should never do that again.
    While I can live on 5 or 6 hours of sleep per night, I cannot cope with broken nights and I was really grumpy the following day.

    (**)This is also the reason we invested in a quality excercise bike and a stepmaster. That way I can workout several times per week without having to leave the house.
    Last edited by Bruno; 08-22-2007 at 11:44 AM.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  8. #138
    I'm Back!! Jonedangerousli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    ...I was really grumpy the following day.
    As opposed to your normal level of grumpy?

  9. #139
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    I read it and I agree.

    Bush is the figurehead for a lot of directives that go directly against the constitution. In the name of the war against terrorism, the US government can
    - arrest you without cause
    - hold you indefinitely without bringing charges
    - take away your right to an attorney, or even the right to be heard.
    - send you to another country to be 'interrogated'.
    - freeze all your assets without recourse if you are even suspected of having contact with terrorists.

    There is all this talk about how important the constitution is, and how people have unalienatable (is that a word?) rights.
    But from what I can see, people are happy enough just to stand aside and let the government do whatever as long as it gives them a false sense of security.

    'I am not a terrorist so I have nothing to fear.' does not apply. There are people who have been captured, held for months or years, tortured, deprived of all contact, and when someone finally got a clue to their innocence, they got plonked out on the street without an explanation or even an acknowledgement that mistakes were made.

    All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
    Are you standing aside or are you doing something?
    Holy crap, Bruno actually said something useful !!

    I take back everything (most of it) I ever said (mumbled) about him.

    and a decent quote to boot!

    all except the torture part.

    Bruno - bad
    torture- good

    Bruno - OK
    torture - super fantastic


    it's a clash of cultures
    I say kill them all and let God sort them out (kinda sounds already decided don't it?)

  10. #140
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by gratewhitehuntr View Post
    Holy crap, Bruno actually said something useful !!

    I take back everything (most of it) I ever said (mumbled) about him.

    and a decent quote to boot!

    all except the torture part.

    Bruno - bad
    torture- good

    Bruno - OK
    torture - super fantastic


    it's a clash of cultures
    I say kill them all and let God sort them out (kinda sounds already decided don't it?)
    looks like you have a new friend, Bruno! Lucky you.
    Maybe you guys could do a little elephant hunting together or bash the heads of a few baby seals!? I could go for some ivory scales and a couple of seal skin strops!

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