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Thread: Four days in

  1. #131
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcrideshd View Post
    Did you not see the kitchen knife I made for the wife?

    Attachment 317784Attachment 317785
    I see that you made it with a blunt point.

    Is that so she can't stab you with it?

  2. #132
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Yep. But in my years working knives in the kitchen I have found that choppers don’t need a point and with this one being a shorter blade it makes rocking the knife thru the veggies. It’s my design and it is perfect, the wife loves it. I made the handle small for her, when it comes to carrots, celery onions and bell peppers it’s the king
    “ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”

  3. #133
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    If you get a larger whiskey glass, you can pour 'One Finger'----

    Attachment 317782
    Well to be honest Roy I’m thinking more along the lines of a 1quart mason jar. And as far as that measure goes, who’s finger?
    “ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”

  4. #134
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcrideshd View Post
    Well to be honest Roy I’m thinking more along the lines of a 1quart mason jar. And as far as that measure goes, who’s finger?
    I'm thinking Andre the Giant's finger would be a good measure.
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    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  5. #135
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Damn, that's sweet TC. Love that wootz. Looks great in that shape blade.
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    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  6. #136
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    What's the handle material?
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  7. #137
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    I'm thinking Andre the Giant's finger would be a good measure.
    Ya that would be a good measure in my opinion, ymmv
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    “ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”

  8. #138
    Senior Member Portsecurity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Checking In from the Lil Log Cabin in the North Idaho Backwoods

    Shan and I both were put on Furlough on Wed at 5:00pm

    I was doing the 2020 Census and they shut us down, and sent us all home, for 2 weeks
    Shan works for the County and they shut them down until 4/6/20

    Thankfully for me the Razors continue to come in the mail so i am not climbing the walls and have stuff to do

    Shan has "Nested" on the couch and is binge watching "Boardwalk Empire"

    We have a few projects around the place that we are planning on getting done

    We are not on "Lockdown" up here YET in fact there isn't a single case or presumptive case in the Northern counties as of today

    Living rural where we do means that we are always at least 2 weeks deep for supplies and food, we always have Gloves and Respirators here anyway because of the materials out in the shop..

    I have to be a little careful with Shan because she has had small lungs since birth so we are always wary during Fire Season with the smoke and conscious of her getting a bad chest cold which has turned to Pneumonia a couple of times over the years.
    The only real difference in our everyday lives started on Monday the 9th, when I started taking our Temperatures each morning. Mostly I was worried about Shan at work because she interacts with so many people..

    So far so good, hope everyone is staying healthy
    Good to hear from you. Just wanted to let you know that my new custom scaled Satin Wedge arrived in the mail today. Looks terrific. Thanks for your work on this and stay safe.
    Geezer, BobH and Razorfeld like this.

  9. #139
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I was watching the news this morning and they were showing all the states that have been forced to stay at home. It was wrong as last night our governor told us that at 8 am this morning Colorado was shutting down. I still get to go to work but 4 days a week and my son still gets to go to work being in construction/electrition, but I'm not sure how much longer they will let the construction workers continue.

    I made a run to the store this morning and got everything on the list for groceries. I had to get a couple of different name brads but still got it all. The run on T.P. is still crazy and limiting certain items is still going strong. But I think things are starting to calm down on the hoarding of supplies. I just wanted to pop in and let everyone know that Colorado is now locked down as other states. At first it was just going to be Denver. But as of this monrning its the intire state.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  10. #140
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    There is a travel ban on the North Coast. No one gets in, and if you leave, you can get back in unless you do a 14 day quarantine. There are several regions in the province with this in place. There are a lot of towns with one road in, and it’s closed off.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

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