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Thread: Soap , water and COVID-19
03-22-2020, 03:19 AM #1
Soap , water and COVID-19
For various reasons common soap tears the heck out of the virus that causes COVID-19
Not all viruses but this virus it does.
It turns out that there are fat molecules in the shell of this virus that
soap attacks. It also is the reason that officials are so big into "washing with soap and water".
One scientist noted that the mental image of a lego model getting dropped on the floor applies
to this virus when the lipid (fat bits) get attached and the virus splits into a pile of harmless molecules
that wash down the drain.
Other products also work but "soap and water" is a winner.
A couple months back I mentioned I had a pile of Williams... Yep it makes a GREAT hand soap.
Tallow or vegetable any soap works.
And, yes I am under shelter in place rules.
I do get to walk the dog as long as there is a lot of space between people.
It turns out that the math of four paws + my two feet = six feet.
I have an umbrella that I would use as a shield if need be.
Be safe out there.
03-22-2020, 03:21 AM #2
For what it is worth Williams now has a win as do all other classic saponified soaps.
Wash them hands...