Actually the title reminds me of a scene from Terminator. I forget which one.

So let me state VERY CLEARLY the purpose of this thread is NOT to espouse political views or left vs right agendas or philosophies.

The purpose is to address what YOU think the future holds for this country.

Do you think we are in trouble? I have heard some say we are headed for civil war and are in fact very close to it. What might actually set something like that off?

We as a country have been divided before however that divisiveness was limited to only a few issues. Even prior to the Civil War the differences though vast were limited in number. We were divided during the Viet Nam War but that was limited in nature too. Now it's different. The most basic issues become battle cries and some on both sides are ready to take up arms against the Govt, those they dislike or each other.

So what do YOU think? Ya got a crystal ball?