Quote Originally Posted by PaulFLUS View Post
The most important thing is to change the way you eat. Getting in control of your glycemic index.by getting rid of the whites in your diet (white bread, white rice, white sugar) is usually the first step. The thing is though that if you have certain health conditions like diabetes or only one kidney you can't go by the general rules. That is why you should see your doctor. Since I have only one kidney I can't do keto because it will destroy my remaining one. You really shouldn't do keto anyway except for very short periods because it can damage them even if you have 2.

As a general rule you should eat more frequently, less at a time and drink lots of ice water and keep your activity level high. Keeping your body from going into starvation mode is the real key. Waking up at 7:00, having nothing but coffee for breakfast, skipping lunch, eating a big dinner, parking it on the couch and falling asleep there is the absolute worst thing you can do for weight control. This keeps your body in starvation mode all day until dinner when much of what you eat turns straight into fat at your period of lowest activity misuses an otherwise adequate amount of calories even if you are eating the right things.

The way they told me to eat is hard to do because it is eating smaller amounts but every 3 hours. If you look at how much food it is it is probably more than you normally eat but often different kinds of things. Once you start doing it though you find that you don't even want the high starch carbs and you don't feel as hungry in between. You know that, "I just ate but I still want something to eat even though I'm not hungry, or the, "Why am I looking in the fridge? I'm not even hungry."? That all goes away once you get your body's glycemic index correct. The hardest part for me was keeping beer under control because that spikes your index and throws it all out of whack. I traded for red wine but even that is not the best.

Of course, if you have vigorous exercise every day this becomes less important for weight control but is still good for overall health.
Thanks Paul, I am diabetic and I can't do too much excercise because i use a cane and probably always will. I go up stairs by leading with my right foot on every stair and just pulling my left up behind, actually I have noticed that my right knee is starting to give me trouble by usinging it on evey stair to pull my whole weight up.

I do know what you mean about more but smaller meals and avoid white stuff.

I drink tea in a pint mug at breakfast with 3 spoons of white sugar and a pint and a half of coffee with 4 spoons of sugar while I veg out in front of the Telly in the evening. I'm not good at portion control either and anything my wife can't eat ends up on my plate too.

I have an appointment next month with the dietician but I don't have high hopes. The things she say's I should eat for my blood sugar makes it go out of site, what diabetic eats Oatmeal for Christsakes.

I will do what I always do and live on a chicken thigh and half a cup of salad, it makes my lose weight and I lost 70 pounds last time but as soon as I come off it and have a sensible meal, back it starts to come, so fast it's scary. I'm 5'8" and 170 pounds, just draw a circle with a head and you will have an idea what I look like.

Of course, I don't understand when people tell me I should get in shape, round is a shape.

I only got fat and diabetic since coming to Canada, in England I had a 34 inch waist.