Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
Our garages to not have main street acess as I see yours do so we do not have much choice in keeping the lane ways clear so we can use them.

With snow emergencies it is very imprtant to have a place to keep your vehicle off the street for plowing or it gets towed.

There is a complicated set of rules for how you can park on night plow routes, north, south, east, west, along with what side of streets and in what order for plowing.

It is very advantagous to have off street parking!

All most all the houses here have driveways off the street except for some of the older areas that only have 33 foot wide lots. Most houses you can put 2 to 4 cars in their driveways. I can put 4 cars on my driveway before you get to my old garage. They have restricted parking on streets here too depending on the season. It's mostly odd days and even days parking to aid snowplowing. The city plows the sidewalk here too but a lot of cities don't do that.
