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Thread: Our friend Steve

  1. #111
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Glad you are home Steve. Quite an ordeal you've been through.
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    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  2. #112
    STF is offline
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    At least life is interesting Paul lol.

    Better than sitting around watching TV.
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    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

  3. #113
    Home of the Mysterious Symbol CrescentCityRazors's Avatar
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    Way to go, Steve! That's the way to take control! Nothing like a good adventure to put a grin on your face. Hoping for a swift recovery for you. See? Life does go on, even when it is trying not to. Just leave the IV's alone and everything should work out fine.

    You do understand, I hope, that your escape from captivity could have ended badly. But it didn't. Not your time yet, buddy. That should be a sign that your personal tragedy should not be allowed to totally ruin what is left of your life, or shorten it, either one.

    ROTFL on the reaction to your shave! I actually cut myself more often with a DE than a straight razor. I can't remember when I last cut myself shaving but I know it was with either a vintage Gillette adjustable DE and a Feather Hi-Stainless blade, or a Schick model E injector with Chinese blade. Those, and shavettes, are my alternate shave methods but honestly I don't know why I punish myself when I have so many regular razors.

    Hang in there, be mindful of the weather. It froze here last night, I think it got down to 28°F last night. Trout season is postponed by a day. They were supposed to stock a local lake with rainbow trout and it was delayed until tomorrow due to weather. The state stocks that and several other lakes every winter when the water temp gets low enough for the fish to survive. Stupid easy to catch those big fat hatchery rainbows, but I fish for food, not sport. We get our five apiece and go home, repeat every day until they are mostly all caught and our daily catch falls down to one or none. Then in spring they stock with channel cats and also in the fall, and so we go after them. Less work than catching wild fish, though we do some of that too, when there is a good bite on somewhere. Hatchery fish are pretty tasty, too. Corn fed!

    I even picked the garden clean yesterday and now we have a fridge full of lettuce, collard greens, cabbage, and cauliflower. No sense letting stuff freeze out there. Anyway, fishing and gardening are two good activities for us old farts. Got to waste your money on something, right?

  4. #114
    Senior Member Tathra11's Avatar
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    Hey Steve. It's good to hear from you. That was quite the "day out" you had mate!!
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    - Mick.

  5. #115
    STF is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tathra11 View Post
    Hey Steve. It's good to hear from you. That was quite the "day out" you had mate!!
    not many Benny
    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

  6. #116
    STF is offline
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    Another interesting day lol.

    The blood thinners I have are called Apixaban, I'm told there crazy strong but what do i know, I just swallow them.

    Today I thought it was time fir a shave because i was starting to look like Grizzly Adams. Don't pretend you don't remember him lol.

    Any way talk about sods law and his never happened before
    I picked up my razor to strop it and but my thumb to far forward, my blood must be like water, in worked with it, I used kitchen roll but that got saturated a band aid was a waste or time so I resorted to plans C superglue. there ya go.

    I continued to stop without further incident but you can imagine the trepidation at the prospect of a straight shave.

    What the hell i stropped it and I'm using it
    I am BBS and so happy, it seems the slower and more cautious i am I have more cuts so i went at with my usual wild abandon and I had a fine shave.

    I did nick my chin and I dripped into the sink but cold water and the alum block worked miricles, with a minute i was not bleeding, tell you something though - the after shave Givanche Gentleman almost made me scream

    Well I know i can shave so i am going to keep doing it
    I didnt buy my razors just to look pretty and anyway if i dont use the razors that Mike sent me when i started he might want them back lol.
    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

  7. #117
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Nope, their all yours. I already have more than I know what to do with.

  8. #118
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    ... I already have more than I know what to do with.
    Alright...It's a lot to ask but since you don't know what to do with them...(heavy sigh)...I'll help you out and take 'em Mike.

    Glad things are getting more like normal Steve.
    JBHoren, Steve56, STF and 2 others like this.
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

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  10. #119
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    Keep up the pace Steve, it’s great to read about your progress!
    My doorstop is a Nakayama

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