Saturday morning I discovered to my horror that I couldn't find my wedding ring anymore.

I remember it on my finger on monday or tuesday, and I know for sure that I didn't have it anymore on friday evening.
I have absolutely no idea where I could have lost it. I checked all the places I've been at work last week, but no luck.
It is equally possible that I took it off at home (I do that whenever I work around the house) and placed it somewhere I can't remember.

My wedding ring is the only physical thing in the whole world that I care about.
My >2500$ collection of rare malt whisky could fall on the floor and I wouldn't really be more than annoyed. My car could be stolen and I'd move on with only a passing regret at the hit on the savings account.
But my wedding ring ... If I don't find it I will miss it till the day I die

However, I am currently reading a book 'black sun' that is based on true events of WWII (the story itself is fiction of course). I went over to wikipedia to check some facts, and I also found pics of the holocaust. Jewish children dying of starvation on the streets. Waiting to fall asleep and never wake up...
And I was humbled...
My ring is important to me, but compared to what other people went through, the loss of a ring is nothing. When I saw those pictures I thought of my daughters and I realized that there are more important things in life.

That being said, if you have a spare prayer lying around that you weren't using for anything too important: I can use any help in getting that ring back around my finger.