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  1. #1
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Default O.K. -- Here's a good one.

    Define: Fascism.

    I see this word used all the time. If my history lessons were correct, I think the concept of fascism started in Italy and was named after an Italian word for wheat bundle or something like this --- there is some significance to this, I can't remember exactly ---- but I think fascism is marked by extreme nationalism, a worship of historical heroes (like Mussolini's adoration of the Ancient Roman empire, the Japanese worship of the Samurai, and the NAZI fascination with The Aryans and great Germanic heroes), the desire to reinstate such greatness --- The Third Reich, etc and an almost religious belief in the need to spread this philosophy through acquisition of land. But I really don't know where in the political spectrum it falls ---- left wing or right wing.

    Anyway, fill in the gaps or redefine it as you see fit.


  2. #2
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Well, the word comes from the Latin word meaning a bundle, referring to a bundle of rods. The idea is that one rod is easily snapped, while a bundle is not. My definition of facism is a nation/civilization/religion that places the identity and survival of the nation/civilization/religion over it's citizen's wants or needs. In other words, the state knows best, and if a bunch of that state's people die because of whatever the state thinks is best, then they should be glad to do it.

    Facism is marked by I think two factors- extreme nationalism or group identity and a single leader who acts as the state. His word is the official opinion, and that's that. If you disobey, you're not fulfilling your duty as a citizen of that state or group and will be ostracized.

    And that's all I have to say about that

  3. #3
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    I've always been under the impression that Fascism is extreme right, as Communism is extreme left.

    My old man told me something which has always stuck with me. Imagine the political spectrum not as a straight line left-to-right, but instead as an incomplete circle, almost like a horshoe where the ends don't quite meet. Then you begin to see why in reality there's very little difference between extreme left and extreme right.

  4. #4
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quick Orange View Post
    Well, the word comes from the Latin word meaning a bundle, referring to a bundle of rods. The idea is that one rod is easily snapped, while a bundle is not. My definition of facism is a nation/civilization/religion that places the identity and survival of the nation/civilization/religion over it's citizen's wants or needs. In other words, the state knows best, and if a bunch of that state's people die because of whatever the state thinks is best, then they should be glad to do it.

    Facism is marked by I think two factors- extreme nationalism or group identity and a single leader who acts as the state. His word is the official opinion, and that's that. If you disobey, you're not fulfilling your duty as a citizen of that state or group and will be ostracized.

    And that's all I have to say about that
    This could just as easily be applied to the Communist state under Stalin or North Korea right now. The Nazis were Fascist, and even though I'm told that the NAZIS were right wing, NAZI does stand for National Socialist German Workers Party --- sounds left wing to me .


  5. #5
    JMS is offline
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    Fascism as I understand it is extreme, and usually unreasonable fidelity to the state! people try to make a right wing thing all the time, but in truth it is what it is! Right or left can be subject to fascism!

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    Fascism and Communism are both totalitarian concepts but Fascism is considered ultra right wing while communism is ultra left wing.

  7. #7
    Senior Member WireBeard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by majurey View Post
    I've always been under the impression that Fascism is extreme right, as Communism is extreme left.

    My old man told me something which has always stuck with me. Imagine the political spectrum not as a straight line left-to-right, but instead as an incomplete circle, almost like a horshoe where the ends don't quite meet. Then you begin to see why in reality there's very little difference between extreme left and extreme right.
    I've always viewed it that way...think of the difference between life under Stalin and life under Hitler.....extremism in any form is trouble, be it religion, politics, nationalism....for these types of views to be successful, there has to be a scapegoat to blame the society's troubles on. Thus I am loathe to support any politician or viewpoint which places blame over real problem analysis.

    BTW, fascism comes from the Latin word fasces: a bundle of rods and among them an ax with projecting blade borne before ancient Roman magistrates as a badge of authority.

    You can see them in US Judicial architecture (courthouses, etc.). A lerge part of U.S. legal tradition is based on Roman Law.

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