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Thread: Reality TV sucks
02-11-2008, 03:42 PM #1
Reality TV sucks
WAY off topic for the off topic forum
I was looking for news on the sequel to "Life on Mars" on the BBC site and saw this article by one of the stars..
"We're so screwed up with our principles. We used to mock Japanese game shows where they ate bugs. Now we're doing the same, if not worse. It's terrifying."
This being said, I must admit that I liked "Scare Tactics" that used to be on the Sci-Fi channel. That was funny, but I think they finally got sued out of existence by some of their "victims"
02-11-2008, 03:56 PM #2
I've always thought the purpose of TV and movies was to create fantasy, and remove you from reality ---- we already have enough reality. And yeah, it's a winning proposition for these guys to produce low cost crap that everyone will buy --- we should demand more out of people (of everything). And considering I don't know anyone who goes around eating bugs, or competing for money by surviving on bare essentials on some distant island, it doesn't reflect my reality too much. Make a show about getting up , going to work, eating, doing yard work, sleeping, etc and that would be closer to reality .
JustinLast edited by jaegerhund; 02-11-2008 at 04:01 PM.
02-11-2008, 04:14 PM #3
It's all staged....nothing "real" about it....and what's with the trend of everyone weeping on TV? The worst is Extreme Makeover Home Addition...I wonder how many takes are needed to get the right amount of crying? It seems no one can speak on that show without breaking into tears. I usually watch the last 10 minutes, just to see the new house, as they do put in some new products every now and then....but 5 minutes of Ty Pennington (the goofball host) is more than I can tolerate. I'd love to see a script ("and hug for a count of 3"..."cry now, but face the camera"..."start getting misty-eyed after paragraph 2")
It also seems that the only folks on reality TV are the worst representations of American society - money-grubbing housewives, vapid fashion-designer wannabees, drama-queen chefs, etc.
02-11-2008, 05:52 PM #4
Well, I guess I ate a couple bugs during some survival training once... that was pretty real!
But as for "reality TV"... besides it being fake, I have never been able to figure out why it would even be an attraction to so many people.
Nor do I care for the shows that have people competing against one another with a set of judges that mock their poor performances. That's not the least entertaining to me... ie, listening to a judge (eg, Simon Cowl) tell someone their performance sucks. It's just plain bad manners and mean-spirited... no wonder more and more kids are disrespectful these days.
02-11-2008, 06:54 PM #5
I agree with this too ---- it's all about disrespect and tearing down instead of encouraging and building up. In general if from childhood, you encourage kids (not spoil them) and treat them with some respect (which includes laying down the law -- here comes the judge), you will by matter of circumstance produce healthy, respectful, well intentioned people. Turn the boob tube off ------(you not me, I'll keep watching
Justin (Dr. Phil for the day)
02-11-2008, 06:58 PM #6
I've eaten a few bugs. They can be quite a tasty snack. From pan-fried or toasted mealworms, to spiced grasshoppers in Mexico, to a chocolate covered scorpion a friend bought me at Christmas. [Puts on Homer voice]Mmmmmm, crunchy chocolatey scorpion... graaaah
Apart from the excellent BBC documentaries and Wildlife programmes, of course. But then, those wildlife shows often show fact that's stranger than fiction!
02-11-2008, 09:01 PM #7
That's why I like to stick with History and Discovery channel. You can't go wrong
02-11-2008, 09:08 PM #8
History channel was running the Band of Brothers episodes. I had previously seen 6 or 7 of them, but couldn't get through for various reasons. Last night, I saw the last episode.
02-11-2008, 10:02 PM #9
I LOVE that movie. Band of Brothers is amazing, and I love how at the end they reveal who each of the actual soldiers are. Simply amazing.
To me there aren't enough "history" channels. I understand that history can sometimes be a subjective thing, but if knowledge was put in the same way that these programs are, we would have a much more informed populace. People know more now about what's happening in the lives of movie stars than they do about the American revolution! We would have less sheeple if they knew about things like the Federalist Papers and how the government is really supposed to be. But nooooo, Britney is far more pertinent to our daily lives.
02-12-2008, 06:32 AM #10