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  1. #11
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    It's happening in Chapel Hill/Carrboro too.

    These are the same idiots who live in Carrboro and Chapel Hill and spit on the midshipmen and cadets when they're in uniform, and nothing happens to the little s.
    A few years ago the same American born idiots burned a US flag on the UNC campus and nothing was done to stop them by UNC officials. Now they're protesting an Army recruitment center, saying that it only helps the Iraq war and recruits are 'tricked' into signing up. Give me a break!

    There's a reason why I quickly became conservative and military supporting after being surrounded by these heathens.

  2. #12
    Worn To Perfection Rusty Shackleford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sticky View Post
    I don't think the carrot juice will cure a mental malfunction of this magnitude.

    Clearly, nothing less than a wheat-germ enema is called for here!
    I was thinking more along the lines of napalm myself and as far as the group sitting in the fenced off grove of oak about some really pissed off gorillas? See if the hippies can bond with nature and live amongst the wild animals...


  3. #13
    Junior Member Aaron S.'s Avatar
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    Mission Statement:
    is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the war in Iraq, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education and other life-affirming activities. We reject the Bush administration's fear-based politics that justify violence, and instead calls for policies based on compassion, kindness and a commitment to international law. With an emphasis on joy and humor, CODEPINK women and men seek to activate, amplify and inspire a community of peacemakers through creative campaigns and a commitment to non-violence."

    As you can see above this is the mission statement of CODEPINK. These people were at the rally at Berkley and are delusional. My favorite part of there mission statement is the part where they are going to try to prevent future wars. I hope one day they wake up from their lollipop, marshmallow cloud fantasy land.

  4. #14
    Cousin Jack
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    Default American oddness

    I've never understood the American attitude to this sort of thing, it's very different in the UK.

    There are plenty of UK citizens opposed to the war in Iraq but I can't imagine any of them demonstrating against or even criticizing the members of our armed forces who are fighting. It's not a soldier's choice after all, they are merely doing what their country has asked of them. An anti-war campaign which picked on our soldiers would do themselves a great deal of damage in this country.

    On the other hand, it would be very unusual for anybody to accuse someone opposed to the war of being un-patriotic, treasonous or so forth - something which seems to happen all the time in the US. It's perfectly possible to believe that a war is not in the best interests of your country and whilst you might be wrong that doesn't make you a traitor.

    Respect your armed forces - they don't chose which wars to fight it's the politicians who do that so save your ire for them.

    Respect those who oppose any particular war - at least they are prepared to stand up for what they believe in and they are trying to do the right thing (whether misguided or not).

  5. #15
    Junior Member Aaron S.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trewornan View Post
    I've never understood the American attitude to this sort of thing, it's very different in the UK.

    There are plenty of UK citizens opposed to the war in Iraq but I can't imagine any of them demonstrating against or even criticizing the members of our armed forces who are fighting. It's not a soldier's choice after all, they are merely doing what their country has asked of them. An anti-war campaign which picked on our soldiers would do themselves a great deal of damage in this country.

    On the other hand, it would be very unusual for anybody to accuse someone opposed to the war of being un-patriotic, treasonous or so forth - something which seems to happen all the time in the US. It's perfectly possible to believe that a war is not in the best interests of your country and whilst you might be wrong that doesn't make you a traitor.

    Respect your armed forces - they don't chose which wars to fight it's the politicians who do that so save your ire for them.

    Respect those who oppose any particular war - at least they are prepared to stand up for what they believe in and they are trying to do the right thing (whether misguided or not).
    Nicely presented

  6. #16
    BHAD cured Sticky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trewornan View Post
    There are plenty of UK citizens opposed to the war in Iraq but I can't imagine any of them demonstrating against or even criticizing the members of our armed forces who are fighting. It's not a soldier's choice after all, they are merely doing what their country has asked of them.
    Precisely why I suggested they needed a "wheat-germ brain rinse".

    Protesting a political decision by criticizing the military forces is pointless and not too bright. It's a sad reflection on that particular group's logical thinking process.

  7. #17
    < Banned User > Blade Wielder's Avatar
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    Yeah, nice post, trewornan.

    You're commenting on what the extremists on both sides of the issue do. For the most part, I strongly dislike hippies and their carrot juice drinking ways. Someone wrote a line above about them burning their own flag, which is a disgusting offense. I agree that you have to support your troops, since they're the ones who protect your country. It's annoying how you see people these days wiping tears from their eyes on Remembrance Day when they see the WWII vets, and yet they'll openly disrespect the modern day soldiers, as though one war made more sense than the other. All war is senseless; soldiers are appointed to try and restore sensibility in some capacity. And as you and the others have said, the soldiers don't pick their wars - they just fight 'em.

    Similarly, I don't like the people who are the extreme opposite of the Berkley people. Those who try so hard to be "patriotic," they become ignorant and bigoted. Or maybe they just happened to be raised in a house with those kinds of attitudes and didn't have any choice in the matter. The people who'll tell you they will never change the way they'll vote in any election - future candidates they'll likely vote for haven't even formed their political opinions yet, or been born in some cases, but if they're "the most right", in this person's eyes, they are right - in the "correct" sense this time.

  8. #18
    Cousin Jack
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blade Wielder View Post
    burning their own flag, which is a disgusting offense
    I've never understood this either. I know that if you showed any of my friends a video of someone burning a Union Jack all you'd get is a shrug. Why on earth would anybody care?

  9. #19
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trewornan View Post
    I've never understood the American attitude to this sort of thing, it's very different in the UK.

    There are plenty of UK citizens opposed to the war in Iraq but I can't imagine any of them demonstrating against or even criticizing the members of our armed forces who are fighting. It's not a soldier's choice after all, they are merely doing what their country has asked of them. An anti-war campaign which picked on our soldiers would do themselves a great deal of damage in this country.

    On the other hand, it would be very unusual for anybody to accuse someone opposed to the war of being un-patriotic, treasonous or so forth - something which seems to happen all the time in the US. It's perfectly possible to believe that a war is not in the best interests of your country and whilst you might be wrong that doesn't make you a traitor.

    Respect your armed forces - they don't chose which wars to fight it's the politicians who do that so save your ire for them.

    Respect those who oppose any particular war - at least they are prepared to stand up for what they believe in and they are trying to do the right thing (whether misguided or not).
    This is interesting ---- How would British citizens have reacted 100 -200 years ago? How would British citizens have reacted when the concept of never letting the sun set on the British Empire was the philosophy of the day? I just can't imagine people not caring about the Union Jack being disgraced in some way during this period. I'm just curious.

    As far as being offended by the burning of a national flag ---I just can't imagine this being something uniquely American. But I suppose the most powerful nation the world has ever known might take itself a little seriously sometimes .


  10. #20
    Cousin Jack
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaegerhund View Post
    This is interesting ---- How would British citizens have reacted 100 -200 years ago? How would British citizens have reacted when the concept of never letting the sun set on the British Empire was the philosophy of the day? I just can't imagine people not caring about the Union Jack being disgraced in some way during this period. I'm just curious.

    As far as being offended by the burning of a national flag ---I just can't imagine this being something uniquely American. But I suppose the most powerful nation the world has ever known might take itself a little seriously sometimes .

    Well obviously I'm a product of my times and can't answer for previous generations but you're probably right, attitudes were very different in 1908 or 1808. Still I think it's a sign of social advance rather than anything else.

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