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  1. #1
    Senior Member Traveller's Avatar
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    Default Immigration and population growth

    Just got this link,and thought it might be an interesting topic for discussion,what do you guys think

  • #2
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I think this should go in the Forum formerly known as 'offtopic'
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  • #3
    Senior Member Traveller's Avatar
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    Sorry ,so change it Regards Gary

  • #4
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Immigration can be good and bad, depending on the management.
    We accept a set percentage of our population. While we take in a good number of refugees, most of our immigrants are qualified professionals based on the current needs. Immigrants are welcomed with open arms and encouraged to both keep their old culture and join the Canadian society. Ofcourse we do have a few who don't bother learning one of our languages even though they are given free lessons at every corner, but they are a small minority (no pun intended).
    For whatever reason, a communist government didn't patrol the borders where they were supposed to. A bunch of foreigners from a 3rd world nation moved in illegaly and (ironically with the help of both Al-Quaida and NATO) within a span of 50 years ethnically cleansed it of people who resided there for 1200 years. Now that region is an independent state that is going to get on the dole since they'll never be able to establish a viable economy.

    Conclusions: Selective immigration policies good, uncontrolled immigration bad.

  • #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Like Europeans have ethnically cleansed the Americas, Australia and many other parts of the world for centuries.

    This is what has happened all the time in human history. Read Julius Caesar's De Bello Gallico. Tribes that had resisted Roman expansion were either exterminated or sold as slaves in Rome.

    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    Immigration can be good and bad, depending on the management.
    We accept a set percentage of our population. While we take in a good number of refugees, most of our immigrants are qualified professionals based on the current needs. Immigrants are welcomed with open arms and encouraged to both keep their old culture and join the Canadian society. Ofcourse we do have a few who don't bother learning one of our languages even though they are given free lessons at every corner, but they are a small minority (no pun intended).
    For whatever reason, a communist government didn't patrol the borders where they were supposed to. A bunch of foreigners from a 3rd world nation moved in illegaly and (ironically with the help of both Al-Quaida and NATO) within a span of 50 years ethnically cleansed it of people who resided there for 1200 years. Now that region is an independent state that is going to get on the dole since they'll never be able to establish a viable economy.

    Conclusions: Selective immigration policies good, uncontrolled immigration bad.
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  • #6
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    Yes, he makes a good point, a couple actually. But either way you look at it taxes are going to go up in order to do anything of significance and he didn't mention anything to that effect. Also his chart is impressive but the scale has been slightly distorted. Yes, it is frightening to see the same amount of red as green but there is a whole iceberg of green below that graph that isn't represented. Not saying the graph is false, it is surely well researched and as accurate as possible, what I mean is that the visual impact has been maximized to suit his purpose, just something to be aware of before formulating concrete opinions.

  • #7
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    Default What?


    The Europeans have done a poor job of racial ethnic cleansing. The africans are still here, south american natives are still here, polynesians still here, eskimo, native-american, asiatics. Which race is gone due to INTENTIONAL, organized, racist supremacy obsession?

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