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    Default Clinton stealing Obama's thunder

    I'm a Republican but vote Democrat when I think it makes sense, so I'm more or less independent, so that's my vantage point. But I can't believe Clinton is STILL trying to steal Obama's thunder. I find it amusing because it helps my party, but I'm just dumbfounded that she has given up now but is still talking like she won, rather than being gracious and congratulating Obama and marvelling at the historic nature of his WIN rather than the hisotric nature of her LOSS. Being close doesn't mean anything - just ask Al Gore [and all of us that have had to live through eight years of Bush Jr. - if only we'd had eight years of Bush Sr. instead, but I digress].

    I also suspect this is as much a character flaw as it is tenaciousness - she just can't accept that she lost and that it's not her show anymore. And I really really hope he doesn't pick her as VP or he'll be dealing with this all campaign [there's the independent in me - the Republican in me hopes she keeps shooting her mouth off and scaring liberals into the arms of McCain].

    Does anyone understand what Clinton is doing? Anyone see some useful agenda there that I'm missing in just seeing a really arrogant bad loser unable to give the winner his well earned props?

    And by the way, why do we call Clinton a Democrat when she doesn't want to honor the democratic process [that's a joke reference to the America thread - please don't answer that].

  2. #2
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    From Clinton's official campaign website:

    Press Release

    Statement from the Clinton Campaign

    The AP story is incorrect. Senator Clinton will not concede the nomination this evening.

    <--- Hillary to Obama

    I think she is looking for some way to embarrass him at the DNC - possibly with the rumored "whitey comment" from Michelle at the pulpit in her now former church
    Last edited by hoglahoo; 06-04-2008 at 02:23 PM. Reason: added whitey
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    From Clinton's official campaign website:

    Press Release

    Statement from the Clinton Campaign

    The AP story is incorrect. Senator Clinton will not concede the nomination this evening.

    <--- Hillary to Obama

    I think she is looking for some way to embarrass him at the DNC - possibly with the rumored "whitey comment" from Michelle at the pulpit in her now former church
    I hope you are wrong, but your point makes me think again, why is it that so often it's the self-righteous liberals that make race such an issue? So sad. The country has come a long way on racism and sexism [we're not done, but we aren't where we used to be for sure], and leave it to Hilary to push it back in the wrong direction because she's throwing a hissifit. She is one bad bad loser.

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    I think these are her options: She can concede (Never). She can kill Obama. She can run as VP, and then kill Obama. She can dig up dirt on Obama, and then force him to concede. She can run as an independant. She can bribe the superdelegates (Very likely).

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    The independent candidate point is a very interesting one. I hadn't thought of that. My guess is she is way too entrenched with the Democratic party, and has a shot "next time," so wouldn't do that. But if the rumored "whitey" tape surfaces after the convention or something else destabilizes the Obama campaign it's not inconceivable she could jump in. I wonder when she'd have to register as an independent candidate to get in. But I'm stunned she hasn't made a gracious concession speech yet.

  6. #6
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loueedacat View Post

    I also suspect this is as much a character flaw as it is tenaciousness - she just can't accept that she lost and that it's not her show anymore. And I really really hope he doesn't pick her as VP or he'll be dealing with this all campaign [there's the independent in me - the Republican in me hopes she keeps shooting her mouth off and scaring liberals into the arms of McCain].

    Does anyone understand what Clinton is doing? Anyone see some useful agenda there that I'm missing in just seeing a really arrogant bad loser unable to give the winner his well earned props?

    And by the way, why do we call Clinton a Democrat when she doesn't want to honor the democratic process [that's a joke reference to the America thread - please don't answer that].
    That flawed character is why I never though she would win anything (New Yorks residents proved me wrong there). Her attitude has alway rubbed me the wrong way.

    I also hope she keeps going and hurting Obama throughout the general election.

    I could live with McCain or more accurately the Republicans much better than Obama and his socialists but either way I'll be voting Barr come November.

  7. #7
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Default Extraordinary Campaign

    Hillary did apparently congratulate Obama on how he ran his campaign

    Clinton Congratulates Obama On 'Extraordinary Campaign' - Videos - KNSD

    Tim, if Barr gets on the ballot in Oklahoma, I may vote for him as well
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    Hillary did apparently congratulate Obama on how he ran his campaign

    Clinton Congratulates Obama On 'Extraordinary Campaign' - Videos - KNSD

    Tim, if Barr gets on the ballot in Oklahoma, I may vote for him as well

    My point was I'm surprised she hasn't congratulated him for winning the nomination. If you saw that video and didn't know the facts, you'd have thought she won. She congratulated him "for all he has accomplished." That's what the winner says to the loser.

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    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    The video confirms your point
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  10. #10
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loueedacat View Post
    I also suspect this is as much a character flaw as it is tenaciousness - she just can't accept that she lost and that it's not her show anymore.
    I don't think that's the case - she's just positioning herself into getting as much leverage as possible. She seems to have lost the nomination, but that was rather close, so she wants to get as much as possible out of it. That's just being pragmatic. Whether it's appropriate in this situation is another issue and you'll find people on both sides of that argument.

    My opinion is that she can't secure a VP nomination that early - Obama isn't that dumb, so by not conceding quickly she just looses the opportunity to pretend she's not a sore looser (and no matter how they play it all politicians are sore loosers).

    I hope she really doesn't need a time to reconsider the situation, as that'll mean she's been very arogant and delusional over the last few weeks and not have an exit plan in place. From what I've seen I think more likely this is her exit plan - while still having some sort of leverage to push for place on the ticket. If that's the case it certainly shows determination but I doubt that's the top quality Obama is looking for.

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