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    JMS is offline
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    Default The worlds smartest dog, part two!

    Does your dog do math? Mine does!

    The only dogs I remember were from my childhood, so my memory may be a little off, but I recall that all of my dogs, when walking towards me while I was walking, would walk towards me and continually adjust themselves to always head towards me while I was walking in a fixed direction! This is not so with Rusty! Rusty sees me walking, and quickly does some doggy calculations in his little doggy pea brain, then he starts to head towards a position just ahead of where I am walking so that we meet at the same location at the same time! I find this to be incredible! I also suspect that Mr. Toes would be very impressed, while Basil would probably be thinking something like, "Huh...what just happened...Hey! is that a cookie over there?"
    I am curious if this is a common doggy trait or not? I would also like to hear some other stories about mathematically inclined pets, or any pet story you wish to tell!
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Does your dog do math? Mine does!

    The only dogs I remember were from my childhood, so my memory may be a little off, but I recall that all of my dogs, when walking towards me while I was walking, would walk towards me and continually adjust themselves to always head towards me while I was walking in a fixed direction! This is not so with Rusty! Rusty sees me walking, and quickly does some doggy calculations in his little doggy pea brain, then he starts to head towards a position just ahead of where I am walking so that we meet at the same location at the same time! I find this to be incredible! I also suspect that Mr. Toes would be very impressed, while Basil would probably be thinking something like, "Huh...what just happened...Hey! is that a cookie over there?"
    I am curious if this is a common doggy trait or not? I would also like to hear some other stories about mathematically inclined pets, or any pet story you wish to tell!

    Dogs are masters of trajectory. That's left over wolf behavior. While I still find it hard to believe that dachshunds are related to wolves, they do it too. In the wild the wolf hunts in an organized pack. They will run the prey in a given direction and "head 'em off at the pass" so to speak.

    Mr. Toes is such a little wretch he tends to hide under furniture and rush out as I pass, tripping me up. He did it this morning. Then right after he nearly sends me to the emergency room he wants to be fed!

    Basil is just so fast it doesn't matter. I should make a video of him chasing a tennis ball. It is really pretty awesome.


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    Well at 8 months Georgie has only just stopped tripping over her own feet! When it was really hot a month ago we filled a bowl with cold water, threw her toys in there and she started digging in the water to get them out. Funny as heck, think I may have the video clip somewhere.......

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    Quote Originally Posted by icedog View Post
    While I still find it hard to believe that dachshunds are related to wolves, they do it too.

    If you owned a dachshund, you wouldn't wonder. Quickest way to get a wienerdog to turn into a snarling, snapping crazy animal is to stand between him and his food.

    As the man said, a classic case of a can-do attitude in a can't-do body.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Nord Jim View Post
    If you owned a dachshund, you wouldn't wonder. Quickest way to get a wienerdog to turn into a snarling, snapping crazy animal is to stand between him and his food.

    As the man said, a classic case of a can-do attitude in a can't-do body.

    I had a dachshund throough my teenage years. His name was Rommel.

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    Quote Originally Posted by icedog View Post
    Dogs are masters of trajectory. That's left over wolf behavior. While I still find it hard to believe that dachshunds are related to wolves, they do it too. In the wild the wolf hunts in an organized pack. They will run the prey in a given direction and "head 'em off at the pass" so to speak.

    Mr. Toes is such a little wretch he tends to hide under furniture and rush out as I pass, tripping me up. He did it this morning. Then right after he nearly sends me to the emergency room he wants to be fed!

    Basil is just so fast it doesn't matter. I should make a video of him chasing a tennis ball. It is really pretty awesome.

    Maybe so, but I suspect that my dog has a degree in doggy math!

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    Here is a link to part one for anyone who is interested!

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    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    I believe my Mabel shows some small amount of mathematical ability. Just the other week I was working through a proof based on a fifth-order Taylor series expansion. I had just come to the point where I had to determine the rate at which the remainder term vanished to zero. I looked up and said "How quickly does R diminish Mabel? How fast girl?".

    I swear, she looked at me and said "1/n^2", although it sounded more like "rrun rron rrrren rrarred"

    She was wrong, of course. It was 1/n^3. She had made the common mistake of mis-calculating the derivative in the remainder formula. But, it's a start.

    My other dog Millicent shows no mathematical aptitude whatsoever. In fact, her nickname has become Claudia (Schiffer - brains) based on a few spectacularly breathtaking moments of complete and utter stupidity. She's a good girl though (just not too bright, poor thing).

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    Mabel may just have rusty beat!

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    Jimbo,something similar happened to me,as I was reworking Avagadros number(as we all know the currently accepted version is in correct)I asked my Jack Russel Terrorist "Jake" to confirm my calculations,and he proceeded to bark 10 to the 17th,then had a drink of water and a ****.Best regards Gary

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