A joke in another thread got me thinking.... we all get advice on technical aspects of the straight shave and related matters, but there's little in the way of emotional advice with regards to straights.

So, in that spirit, I offer up this thread. You may post problems of any straight-related nature and you may be assured of supportive, non-judgemental, and anonymous advice and tips. Anyone may post advice, but it must be in the spirit of support, and empathy. We care.

To start things off, here's a message received the other day and the caring, empathetic advice given by our Agony Aunt.

Dear Aunty Jimbo,

After years of straight shaving, I have developed an embarrassing problem. I cannot seem to keep my scales up during a shave any more. When thinking about shaving, I have no problem - scales go straight to attention. But as soon as the lather is on my face, and the big moment has arrived....well you know the rest.

Please help me Aunty Jimbo, I'm at my wits end!

Signed "Sagging in Sydney"

Dear Sagging,

I'm terribly sorry.....no, wait, wait .....

Whew! That's a doozy - sucks to be you, for sure!

Have you tried using "wood" scales (pffft, snicker!!!). No, no, seriously now....

There's two schools of thought on scale dysfunction - emotional or physical. Super glue can help in either case (although its method of use differs, of course). Consult a trained hardware professional for a prescription. Just be careful not to overdo it, as you may have trouble getting the scales to go down after you've finished shaving otherwise.

Aunty Jimbo.
Support and empathy. Come get it here.
