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Thread: My kind of guy!

  1. #1
    JMS is offline
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    Default My kind of guy!

    This is the kind of justice I like to see! A criminal in the act gets his come uppance!

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  2. #2
    Senior Member IsaacRN's Avatar
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    Justice............Texan Style

  3. #3
    Curmudgeon Brother Jeeter's Avatar
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    There is very little in the world, that I hate more than a thief!


  4. #4
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Now compare that to the thread about the disabled guy in England that simply detained the bad guy. Police here thank the dude for beating down the bad guy! O yeah

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    It is not recommended you treat a thief in the Netherlands like this. The thief will be advised by his lawyers to file suit for excessive use of violence and eventually will win. The clerk will most likely go to jail for it and have to pay compensation to the thief.

    Believe it or not: this is the sad state of our criminal justice system.
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  6. #6
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Before anything, let me say I think there was nothing wrong with what happend. The thief got what he deserved.

    But someone called this 'texan justice' and there I don't agree. Justice is dispensed by the judicial system. If we start naming this type of reaction 'justice', then why not go back to lynching and mob rule? Why bother with proof and investigation, and just accept accusation for guilt, like in the bad old days.
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  7. #7
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    can someone summarize the story? link makes my browser crash.

    also, bruno-> not sure of the particulars since I can't open TFA, but Texas laws are unique in being the only state (in America, not sure about the rest of the world) where your life doesn't have to be in danger to retaliate with lethal force... property is enough. I wouldn't call it lynching, just a very pro-active form of self defense... after all, property is livliehood, and livliehood is life, at least as far as the law is concerned.

  8. #8
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Wow he bent the steel table

    Poor guy, he was probably just hungry. Those capitalist pizza pigs couldn't even afford to give the man one slice?

    It reminds me of this video where a woman gets away with stealing a guy's purse who eventually gave up trying to get it back as he was probably late for work

    YouTube - Raw Video: Woman Fights for Purse
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  • #9
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jockeys View Post
    can someone summarize the story? link makes my browser crash.

    also, bruno-> not sure of the particulars since I can't open TFA, but Texas laws are unique in being the only state (in America, not sure about the rest of the world) where your life doesn't have to be in danger to retaliate with lethal force... property is enough. I wouldn't call it lynching, just a very pro-active form of self defense... after all, property is livliehood, and livliehood is life, at least as far as the law is concerned.
    A thief comes in with a gun, goes up to the pizza guy behind the counter and hits the pizza guy (who is obviously bigger). Pizza guy beats the living hell out of the thief, knocking him out.

  • #10
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Before anything, let me say I think there was nothing wrong with what happend. The thief got what he deserved.

    But someone called this 'texan justice' and there I don't agree. Justice is dispensed by the judicial system. If we start naming this type of reaction 'justice', then why not go back to lynching and mob rule? Why bother with proof and investigation, and just accept accusation for guilt, like in the bad old days.
    This is totally justice.

    A guy came into the store and threatened the clerk, then assaulted him, the clerk retaliated with equal force (it was fist against fist) against his attacker. The attacker paid for starting a the conflict.

    Justice is what the judicial system is supposed to dispense, but it is not the sole arbitrator and definer of such.

    When you are assaulted, you can defend yourself, using whatever force is needed to cause your attacker to cease their aggression. The injustice would be having to run away or having to face prosecution for self defense, as is apparently expected in Europe. You guys have a nasty habit of punishing the sheepdogs and petting the wolves all the while encouraging everyone to be a sheep, frankly its pretty sad.

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