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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by wbartoli View Post
    the show was the Phil Hindrie show. used to air on kfi am640. he is now off the air but no doubt the greatest radio show ever. it was very funny to hear people call up angry and had no idea it was him the whole time doing the voices of his guest.
    That's the one!
    It was HILARIOUS. I especially liked some of the homeowners' association ones. Excellent. People would call in, give the fake guest a piece of their mind, and no doubt slam down the phone still fuming.

    BillyJeff, I'm not sure about Savage. I think he believes some of the stuff he says, but I almost think its his trademark to look for something to be bent out of shape over. If he's on the radio when I'm driving home, I've noticed typically, regardless of what he's talking about, he goes off in a tirade every 5 minutes or so. He doesn't like the present administration, doesn't like the war, etc.etc. and to be honest if he couldn't complain about politics there is always Hollywood, or his perception of a vast homosexual underground out to destroy the country.
    Not saying he is right or wrong, but these rants he goes off on seem to be his trademark. Personally, even when I agree with him, if he starts yelling I typically turn the radio off. I like my political discussions seasoned with just a hint of calm reasoned speaking.
    It is easy for a politician or talk show host, etc. to appeal to those who already agree with him. The difficult part, and more worthy of listening, are those who can put reason behind their arguments in the language of those who initially disagree, and convince them.
    Not that it happens a lot.

    John P.

  2. #12
    Senior Member billyjeff2's Avatar
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    I always thought he was more than just a bit mentally ill. I mean he flys off the handle if any caller disagrees with him; he's a rabid anti-homosexual; he hates this; he hates that. He's full of rage and red-faced anger. Entertaining as heck, but like I said originally, he's fascinating to listen to like watching a train wreck is fascinating to watch...

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by billyjeff2 View Post
    I always thought he was more than just a bit mentally ill. I mean he flys off the handle if any caller disagrees with him; he's a rabid anti-homosexual; he hates this; he hates that. He's full of rage and red-faced anger. Entertaining as heck, but like I said originally, he's fascinating to listen to like watching a train wreck is fascinating to watch...
    I agree.
    Then again, people watched that "Flavor of Love" TV show too. Personally I think he is kept partially because of his ranting and raving; there are plenty of people who get their points across without yelling and screaming, but that's not as entertaining, now is it....

    John P.

  4. #14
    Senior Member WireBeard's Avatar
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    "Homosexual mafia" there's a mental picture.....

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