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08-20-2008, 06:50 AM #1
Western culture! How fortunate we are!
Ok, I changed my mind and decided to post! I consider you all my friends and decided I wanted to share with all of you!
So, here it is! I hope you will post!
I have recently had one of those moments that I get now and then! You know! The kind that slap you upside the head to remind you of how good we all have it here in many of the western cultures!
I was reading a news article on the faces of Pakistani women who had their faces melted half off by acid for no better reason than their suitor was rejected in a marriage proposal. These things do not happen where I live, At least, They are the exception and not the rule! The next article I read was a story about how the Russian army was taking everything that was not nailed down in Georgia as they invaded! It reminded me of the fact that war is about Killing people, breaking things, raping and pillaging! Every other nation understands this, but the west, and particularly the United States of America has avoided the raping and pillaging part of war! In fact, America along with a handful of other nations went contrary to the rule of war, which states that to the victor goes the spoils, and instead rebuilt the countries that they pummeled! In general, these countries that we pummeled in war were not crushed so that we may take whats theirs and make it ours, no, on the contrary, we went to war with these countries to wrest the power out of the hands of a dictator or brutal regime and hand the power back to the people where it belongs!
These things are what make me proud to be an American! These things remind me that we live in a very special and fragile bubble in history that deserves our protection! We should enjoy this brief respite in history where a large percentage of us consider that there are ideals greater than our own selves rather than the selfish and hedonistic world that once was, and surely will be again if we don't take pains to protect this bubble in history!
Please add what you see that makes the western culture so great, and where you see that we might need to make adjustments!
One area that I see we need to make adjustments is we need to complain less about our country and do more for our country!
Speak specifically of your own country or of western culture as a whole please!
This is not intended as a pi ssing contest as to who is the better nation, so please, don't make it as such!
Mark AveryLast edited by JMS; 08-20-2008 at 06:55 AM.
08-20-2008, 07:16 AM #2
I must disagree that the US helped these countries "because we were nice folks." The Marshall plan had one purpose: the rebuilding of Western Europe to prevent it falling under the influence of the Soviet Union.
The US may have a better track record than some other countries when it comes to the Geneva Convention and following the rules of war, but we are by no means without problems. The Union Army stripped the South bare during the Civil War; the US military engaged in what would today be termed ethnic cleansing in relation to the Native Americans; US troops in Germany and Japan retruning home with "souvenirs" that just happen to turnout to be priceless art works or treasures from the occupied countries; the massacre at Mi Lai in Vietnam hurt support for the war in the US, and then we have recent events such as Abu Ghraib in Iraq, and the US soldiers who raped a girl and then murdered the entire family to cover it up.
It is not just the US that is Western. German culture is Western, but produced the Nazis; Belgium is Western but the atrocities in the Congo shocked the world; France is Western but ask in Algeria how they behaved.....
These issues are more about leadership and respect for human dignity than about any one culture.....when the leadership is poor or ethically corrupt, it trickles down the chain of command.
If a policy of humanity, professionalism, and adherence to international law is establish from the start, coupled with swift, impartial punishment for violations, then the occurances of abuses should be lessened....but you can never tell when it comes to human nature.
You must strike a balance.....
Justice without Mercy is Tyranny; Mercy without Justice is Anarchy
08-20-2008, 07:22 AM #3
Thank you for your post Wirebeard!
Now, do we have anyone who believes that beyond the problems of their nation, there is something worthwhile about their nation?
08-20-2008, 07:23 AM #4
I have to aggree with Wirebeard here
I ain't pointing fingers, my country indeed hasn't got a clean sheet either.
We all have black spots on pur history. He who is without sin ...
08-20-2008, 07:33 AM #5
Is it possible that there is someone who believes that there is something good about their country?
The question I ask is not what is bad or wrong about our nations, but what is right! I guess the new question I have is, if you don't see anything worthwhile in western culture, or your own nation, why don't you go some where else, or at least give us your idea of what would be a perfect nation? Maybe you too could conquer a nation and make it perfect in your eyes!
08-20-2008, 08:31 AM #6
Hahaha, sorry for me laughing Gugi, but it seems your thread is going sour. (laughing with you, not at you)
Me +'s in western culture?
- Indoor Plumbing
- The priviledge of walking down the street in even the "bad" neighbourhoods in my town and not having to worry.
- Being able to find and supply my family with everything we need and more.
- Being able (within reason and with reason) to speak my mind on pretty much any topic I like with any opinion I feel is right.
- Being able to have picked my wife myself.
- Talking to my parents as if they're people and not just authority figures that have kept me down all my life.
And those are just a few.
08-20-2008, 09:03 AM #7
Personally, I like our modern comforts, the fact that me and my wife have good jobs that we enjoy, close to home, and the fact that civil war or invasion are very unlikely.
Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day
08-20-2008, 01:56 PM #8
What I love about Canada is that our multiculturalism made racism and ethnic discrimination akin to bad breath or b.o. Having come from a country torn by a couple of civil wars, I've seen people leave all that crap behind and ex-Yugoslav parties attended by Serbs, Croats, Jews and Muslims. After more than 14 years of living in Canada, I've only been reprimanded for speaking Serbian in public once and that was by a drunken hooker, at the tail end of her "career." Multi-racial couples are fairly common here and nobody bats an eye-lash at'em. When I see images from other countries where people get assaulted over their ethnicity, tribe, religion, the race of the person they are dating or the language they speak in public, I'm filled with gratitude for living here.
08-20-2008, 02:03 PM #9
I am lucky to live in a land where most people (well, used to be most... might only be some now) realize that "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants." (Thomas Jefferson)
08-20-2008, 02:37 PM #10
The most valuable and unique idea to stem from western culture is the recognition of the individual as...
unique and valuable