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  1. #31
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brother Jeeter View Post
    At other times, I'd make subtle changes. Such as, to be in the hall behind Lincoln's box at Ford's Theatre. When John Wilkes Booth arrived, he'd be greeted by a large man armed with a sawed-off 12 gauge double barrel. As "V" said, in V FOR VENDETTA, "Sometimes, violence can be useful."
    Of course, this might have the side effect of ending up under communist regime for a 1000 years.
    That's the thing about changing history. I believe that in 99.9999% of the cases, it doesn't matter if you step on an ant or not. Usually they don't influence history that much.
    But if you change something significant like that, there is no telling how the next couple 100 years play out because the track of history would change a lot.

    It could be for the good of things, but there's just as much chance that the worl'd end up worse.
    Like assasinating hitler before WW2.
    Maybe it would have prevented some of the atrocities. But WW2 was going to happen regardless of who was at the steering wheel. His successor might have made pace with Stalin, and that would have meant the end for the allied forces, leaving us with a lasting third reich. It was a close call as it was already
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  2. #32
    Curmudgeon Brother Jeeter's Avatar
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    Bruno, I had already considered the possible consequences of such an action. That is why I specified the ability to immediately return to the present. To check the long term results of what I had done.
    I wouldn't even think about changing anything within the last 100 years. Becaue the time span wouldn't allow for a long enough evaluation of results.
    Booth didn't father any children between the Assassination of Lincoln and his own death. That aspect would not change anything. Lincoln wouldn't have been a father again (I don't think.) The rest of the plot would have proceeded as planned. The conspiritors could not communicate with one another. So the rest of that whole chain of events would have continued just as in fact, it did.
    This particular event is one of the VERY few that I would even contemplate changing.
    Of course Andrew Johnson would not have become President. But I don't see that as a necessarily bad thing.


  3. #33
    Senior Member sinnfein's Avatar
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    this is an easy one..immortality starting at the begining of mankind, i think it would be great to see how the human race started and how it ends and what comes after. plus with immortality wealth would have to follow.


  4. #34
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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