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  1. #11
    Senior Member Hutch's Avatar
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    Unfortunately if its not on CNN it didn't happen (or Fox for the republicans). They loose 10's of thousands every year during monsoon and typhoon season in Asia, and unless it's a slow news day it barely gets a mention.

  2. #12
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    I remember being reported at the time that Clinton already had the Army Corps of Engineers working the levies and Bush canceled the program to "save money". As far as cronyism goes if I am not mistaken good ol' boy "Brownie"'s previous claim to fame was as the head of a Thoroughbred race horse association. There is a good chance that Clinton's efforts would have a made a great difference. Bush's ineptness certainly made it's own impact.

  3. #13
    Lurking Cilted Pirate Spike J's Avatar
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    That;s the thing. It's not a typhoon, it is flooding caused by monsoon rains & has caused the Kosi river to alter its course by 15 miles flooding areas which normally are unaffected. At least 100 villages are known to have been washed away. I could go on. Here's a link for more BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | India boosts flood relief effort

    It seems Gustav has not delivered the devastation as expected & is lessening in intensity. Good for all concerned. Just Hanna & Ike to worry about then

  4. #14
    French Toast Please! sicboater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Question: Is it me or does the press have a real hard on for Gustav? They seem to be salivating over Gustav and the potential havoc that it may wreak!

    Looks like you should upgrade your news source.

    The economist is online now...

  5. #15
    Senior Member Ditch Doc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hutch View Post
    Unfortunately if its not on CNN it didn't happen (or Fox for the republicans). They loose 10's of thousands every year during monsoon and typhoon season in Asia, and unless it's a slow news day it barely gets a mention.
    And that is exactly the point, then again, monsoon season is every year. As for insularity, A hurricane in Louisiana is far more important to us than a monsoon in India, or anything that happens anywhere else in the world, for that matter. But that's nationality, and human nature. The floods are being talked about quite a bit, but mostly on NPR (National Public Radio). As a matter of fact, they had an hour piece on it today.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Hutch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ditch Doc View Post
    And that is exactly the point, then again, monsoon season is every year. As for insularity, A hurricane in Louisiana is far more important to us than a monsoon in India, or anything that happens anywhere else in the world, for that matter. But that's nationality, and human nature. The floods are being talked about quite a bit, but mostly on NPR (National Public Radio). As a matter of fact, they had an hour piece on it today.
    Couldn't agree with you more, I'm sure the people in India couldn't care less about a Hurricane in LA either.

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