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  1. #11
    JMS is offline
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    I did not start this thread so that you guys could use it as a platform to get into a silly slapping contest, but more as an opportunity for all to see the interview and make intelligent comments!
    Please keep this a thread where you will post honest and thoughtful comments and if you disagree with another poster, please do it agreeably!

    The management!

  2. #12
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Gibson seemed to warm up to Palin near the end. I wonder why?
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  3. #13
    Senior Member foundlingofdollar's Avatar
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    I'm not really a Palin fan, but I think regardless of what you think of her, you can probably agree that the McCain/Palin campaign needs to spend some more time prepping for these questions they're obviously going to get. Some of these answers just showed a total lack of prep time. Being able to see an uninhabited Russian island from a barely inhabited Alaskan island hardly counts as foreign policy experience, especially if right afterwards you admit to never having met a foreign leader and only recently getting a passport. Surely it would have been better to tout McCain's foreign experience than leading with that? It is, after all a two person ticket.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by foundlingofdollar View Post
    I'm not really a Palin fan, but I think regardless of what you think of her, you can probably agree that the McCain/Palin campaign needs to spend some more time prepping for these questions they're obviously going to get. Some of these answers just showed a total lack of prep time. Being able to see an uninhabited Russian island from a barely inhabited Alaskan island hardly counts as foreign policy experience, especially if right afterwards you admit to never having met a foreign leader and only recently getting a passport. Surely it would have been better to tout McCain's foreign experience than leading with that? It is, after all a two person ticket.
    Palin's press availability will be next to nil.

  5. #15
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nord Jim View Post
    Sarah Palin has denied all sorts of things that have proven to be accurate in the first place.

    1. She denied supporting the "Bridge to Nowhere," even though it has been proven categorically that she supported it. She has continued to tell this lie at every campaign stop.
    2. She denied knowing that her little town actually charged rape victims for their rape tests, when it's been proven that she actually signed the order for it. As far as I know, she's still lying about this one, too.
    3. She denied using her executive power to punish her ex-brother-in-law, even though a judge admonished her for her behavior, declaring it to be "abusive" to her sister's children.

    And it goes on.

    The point? That Sarah Palin claiming to be "misquoted" isn't necessarily newsworthy.

    And at what point does the sleaze become too much even for "conservatives?"

    I agree. Originally I was intrigued by her, but now I'm thinking that she's just another in a long line of unqualified people. Oh well.

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