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    Senior Member De Layne's Avatar
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    Default In defense of Sarah Palin

    Hi All,
    Not being a member of either party tends to be confusing at times. Two very different points of view have to be looked at carefully, in order to determine which party makes more sense at the time. That problem is often solved for staunch party members, since there's no need to question who's right or wrong.

    I, like many other Americans, had never heard of Sarah Palin before the nomination. I didn't hate her right away because I figured she was a Republican, and I didn't have nearly enough information to determine if she was a good choice or not. The thing is, there's not much unscripted recent sound bites to help me make that decision properly.

    You know, there's something weird going on with her being not being allowed to speak in many unscripted interviews or press events. Well, maybe that's not quite right.........maybe she is being protected, but only cause she's not used to being in the spotlight like she's been. It's possible she's a very shy person, and just needs to build up her confidence a little more. She might very well be quite capable of dealing with tough interviews, or a press conference or two. She might even be a smarter and more compelling speaker than Mr McCain himself.

    The thing is, this isolation makes her look bad, IMO.To an impartial eye, it looks like she is considered a liability when it comes to speaking her mind in public. It seems like her advisors are keeping her from doing harm to herself and the party.......they think it will be bad if she shows who she really is. It looks a lot like she's undergoing some kinda mental makeover......learning many new things. Anyway, that's only what it looks like to me. Republicans must see things differently than me in this case.

    I'm asking any Palin fans if they don't also thing something screwy is going on? Don't they also wonder why she isn't seen in more public events, or is it not worth questioning because she's a Republican? What if she was the Democratic pick........would you think it was strange then? What is the advantage to the Republican party by seemingly keeping her under wraps? How can her lack of presence be viewed as a virtue?

    The Republicans aren't even bothering to deny it.........they pretend like it's not being asked and never mention it. They just continue to do whatever it is with Mrs Palin. I just don't see the value in that strategy. Can someone who backs Palin please explain, in a clear manner, why this doesn't bother you. This looks a lot like party loyalty is being counted on to help overlook the odd situation here. I'd love to understand why this strategy makes sense in somehow showing the candidate's strengths. It seems like it's having just the opposite effect, and it's showing the fear of what she might say whenever she opens her mouth. I just don't get it.

    Please, if anyone cares to respond, DON'T post anything negative. I understand that argument already, and I'm just trying to see what some supporters think of her being sequestered like this. I can't help but think it would make them somewhat uncomfortable. I now truly have strong doubts on her qualifications and demeanor being successfully defended in a reasonable manner, and it looks like her party is trying to make her as invisible as possible. I can't figure out how that helps the Republicans though, unless THEY actually believe she isn't a qualified candidate. See why I'm confused? Show me her good side......the side I'm unable to glimpse.


    Oh..if anyone DOES respond, once again no answers like "There are no good points....she IS being kept from sight", or anything like that. I'm asking for the exact opposite of that answer. Something like "This is good strategy because......", but in a positive way instead of negative.
    Thank you again
    Last edited by De Layne; 09-27-2008 at 11:08 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScottS View Post

    What Cafferty is thinking.

    I hadn't seen that before.

    She makes GW Bush look like a lucid linguist.

    I also appreciate Cafferty for speaking his mind.

    Sarah Palin came out of the blocks like a ball of fire. I was pretty much impressed with her convention speech. She was kickin ass.

    Anybody else see the CNN coverage of her meet & greet with world leaders?

    The Pakistani leader was about to accost her!

  • #4
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    She is absolutely clueless. Even senior McCain aides are saying see is clueless. It's so laughable that it is pitiful. Just what were they thinking?
    Looks like political suicide.

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    The look of confusion on Katie Couric's face is priceless!

    EDIT: Just dug up the entire interview. Wow again. McCain should have picked Katie Couric as running mate. Really, somebody else besides Sarah.

    I can see hwere if McCain went and met with her he thought she was the right choice, as she strongly seems to share many of his viewpoints. I can see if you are maybe discussing something with her that both you and she agree on, then she can speak with authority (perhaps that's why she did so very well at the convention? She was "preaching to the choir" in effect. But when an interviewer like Katie Couric serves up softball questions,and she can't even process them, it is just not a good situation to be in. For McCain, or us.

    I'm not a huge Obama fan, but wow.
    Last edited by Seraphim; 09-27-2008 at 08:28 AM.

  • #6
    Senior Member De Layne's Avatar
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    Hi All,

    Well, I've given this question a little time, in hopes that a Palin supporter would explain something to me and others. I can't help but think that even the Republican true believers can't come up with a logical, yet positive reason for her isolation. Not one member has come out and defended that strategy as being a strong and effective one in order to help convince voters that she's right for the job.

    Ok then, I'll figure I asked an unanswerable question to the Republicans reading this post. I think this is something they also can't quite get a handle on, and maybe it DOES confuse and worry em a bit. I mean, how can you put a positive spin on the obvious lack of transparency and access to a VP candidate. Really, it's a tall order, even for the true believers. Not answering is much easier than coming to grips with an unpleasant realization, so maybe that's one reason for the silence. Maybe there IS no logical reason for keeping a supposedly capable politician under wraps and safe from questioning.

    The thing is, I hear ZERO complaining from the Republican faithful about this issue. They seem not to be concerned in the least about not knowing more about who Mrs Palin really is. I'd think they'd want to be able to brag about their candidate, and rightfully so. You'd think it would be frustrating for them, having so little ammunition to fight with. I can't recall any of em complaining though, and it's not even being mentioned as far as I can see.

    Well, I admit to being a little disappointed none of Mrs Palin's supporters mentioned how they felt, either pro OR con, but ignoring this obvious issue seems to be the way to deal with it. Guess I'll just draw my own conclusions based on what little I've been allowed to see and hear.

    I'd leave the invitation open to any reader supporting this way of acting, if anyone cares to try that some time. Doesn't seem like it's possible, sad to say. much for the benefit of any doubt given to her and whoever designed this strategy. This looks very very bad. Hehe, good thing the Republicans can see this to be so clearly wrong thinking on my part. Problem is, they can't seem (or don't even bother) to defend their position, which makes it tough when speaking to an independent thinking person. To me, it looks like their party is asking more of them than usual this time. Seems like the strategists are doing their followers a disservice by not showing more of what Mrs Palin is about........unless they feel like it will help somehow. That's one thing that looks so bad......the putting something over on their followers kinda feeling.

    Ok, I'm done for now,

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    Quote Originally Posted by denmason View Post
    She is absolutely clueless. Even senior McCain aides are saying see is clueless. It's so laughable that it is pitiful. Just what were they thinking?
    Looks like political suicide.
    Sort of

    Just made the 'political suicide' comment myself this AM. Personally I don't think either JM or BO are fit to lead our country and I couldn't in good conscience vote for either one - but that's a different discussion.
    Choosing Palin drove a dagger in the heart of his presidential aspirations - picking OJ Simpson might have been worse but it's hard to say. Prior to that I thought McCain was a sure winner; now I think he's sure to lose.

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    I made a small wager with a member here that conservatives would come out in droves to vote for McCain because of Palin, but since I realized that they had put her on a leash I asked that we drop the bet! If she can't speak her mind It doesn't help McCain as I see it!

  • #9
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    I'm not republican, but I'm not necessarily anti-Palin, so here it goes. It's my understanding that Palin has been campaigning almost daily since the... what do they call it? Big party? Beer bust? That thing they did during the hurricane... Rally? CONVENTION. That's it. My mind went blank for a minute. She's been out there, she's been on T.V., I don't see any less of her than I do of Biden at this point. Since she's V.P. candidate and the election is mainly focused on the office of the President, I don't find it surprising that she doesn't get all the press McCain does. That's probably why you're not seeing as much.

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    Quote Originally Posted by maplemaker View Post
    I'm not republican, but I'm not necessarily anti-Palin, so here it goes. It's my understanding that Palin has been campaigning almost daily since the... what do they call it? Big party? Beer bust? That thing they did during the hurricane... Rally? CONVENTION. That's it. My mind went blank for a minute. She's been out there, she's been on T.V., I don't see any less of her than I do of Biden at this point. Since she's V.P. candidate and the election is mainly focused on the office of the President, I don't find it surprising that she doesn't get all the press McCain does. That's probably why you're not seeing as much.
    The Press is not allowed to ask her any questions. They're not allowed to even talk to her on the record in passing on her plane.

    The Ed Schultz Show
    Breaking News from Big Eddie:
    McCain Camp insiders say Palin "clueless"
    Capitol Hill sources are telling me that senior McCain people
    are more than concerned about Palin. The campaign has held
    a mock debate and a mock press conference; both are being described as "disastrous." One senior McCain aide was quoted as saying, "What are we going to do?" The McCain people want to move this first debate to some later, undetermined date, possibly never. People on the inside are saying the Alaska Governor is "clueless."

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