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  1. #1
    Senior Member De Layne's Avatar
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    Default Political links you favor

    Hi All,

    I hope this isn't out of line in any way, but I'd like to include a link to a political site. The guy writing this is someone I've found to have some solid ideas on numerous topics, and I enjoy his style as well. I've been reading his posts for good while now, and would recommend taking a quick peek. If any readers DO visit there, you might also like to look at some other recent topics he's covered. He's known by his 'cover name' as the 'Anonymous Liberal', and I'd think some readers would already be familiar with him.

    You know, I wouldn't mind looking at a few GOP slanted sites, as long as it was one recommended by someone here. Hehe, years ago I spent some time on Rush's site....just to get a true feel for the guy. I listened to his radio show as well during the period, so I got to know his pitch. That's worth looking at, if only for the type of entertainment he offers. The problem is that many people take him at his word. Enough said about that, except for a quick observation about the man.

    Hehe, I just spent 10 minutes typing something.............. erased it. Pretty smart eh?

    Anyway, here's the link, and I'd hope others from both parties might post their favorites.

    The Anonymous Liberal

  2. #2
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    This is currently the only political site I frequent. Occasionally I will visit others, but only if I was referred to them by someone here: The Conversation - Straight Razor Place Forums

    I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but it makes for interesting and lively dialogue!
    Find me on SRP's official chat in ##srp on Freenode. Link is at top of SRP's homepage

  3. #3
    I'm a Shaaarrrk! Chady's Avatar
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    I use this place and the conversation area on this board and the links given out on said two boards. Other place is a post in the general section of a gamer site I've been frequenting since 99. They are good at giving links to other sources as things progress and they seem very active and vocal.
    Last edited by Chady; 10-07-2008 at 12:27 AM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member De Layne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    This is currently the only political site I frequent. Occasionally I will visit others, but only if I was referred to them by someone here: The Conversation - Straight Razor Place Forums

    I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but it makes for interesting and lively dialogue!
    Hi Lee,

    I looked at that link, and there did seem to be some pretty good political stuff there. Did you look around that place at all? Man........there's a LOT of goofy shaving crap being talked about as well. What's up with that? Is that place a bunch of sissie boys? Shaving? Gimme a break.

    Hehe, to mention a cute story about what sites are available online, let me just quickly relate one I found a while back. This was shortly after I acquired a new bullwhip, and I needed some refresher tips.

    Yeah, I used to screw around with em years ago, and needed some videos to help see how some cracks were done. My technique was shot to hell from years of neglect, and this was a longer whip (10 foot) than I liked anyway.

    Turns out after a while I found an excellent source of that type of info. This place has a bunch of members who do that there sorta stuff. Lots of recommendations for whips and a very helpful group of posters. Need I say they get pretty excited about whips? Different sizes, colors, style, and composition (kangaroo being the best, as you probably know).

    Anyway, that's just one part of the forum. There's others devoted to clothing such as jackets and hats, and others are discussions of the movies these are from. Yeah, this is a site devoted to the Raiders of the Lost Ark series of movies. THAT'S their schtick...........anything to do with those movies is their meat. The whips were just a small part of the overall 'experience'. Funny huh?

    Thanks for the link Lee,


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