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  1. #11
    Senior Member De Layne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    I try to keep my political posts to a minimum......I find that to be the best policy to keep misunderstandings from occurring about a volatile subject. I guess maybe I'll say a few things here, and hope it doesn't step on any toes. Just the way I see things.

    Regarding your question about that link: Truthfully, it doesn't matter if he screwed up as that article claims. Seriously, let's say everything that was printed was correct, and Mr Biden was wrong on many subjects. So what? Really, are most of those topics a big deal to most people?

    Let's say everything Mrs Palin said was right on the button, regarding those same topics. So what? She may have nailed everything perfectly, but it's just not that important.

    Here's the issue as I see it, here's the real question you're asking us to comment on. You are asking if after reading this article, Mr Biden seems dumber and less qualified to run the country than Mrs Palin. The answer would be NO! I have already formed my opinion of that woman based on my observance of her in different situations, and there's no way I'd even begin to think she's both smarter and more knowledgeable than Mr Biden.

    I'd love to see anyone post, claiming she's NOT the less qualified one of the two, but I don't believe there's any one here to do that. Looked like that's what the writer was trying to accomplish, but he didn't convince me. Sad huh?

    Maybe sometime we can all have a nice chat about the Fox phenomenon. Now THAT would be entertaining......heh. I know there's members who enjoy that type of news, and it IS fun to watch. Hehe, of course, you always have to consider the source when reading or watching Fox stations. Hah........can you imagine someone totally without political experience only being allowed access to Fox News? Whoa momma.........

    Anyway, I hope that was the question you wanted comments on. If I'm wrong I apologize and hope to do better next time. To all the readers, please keep in mind there's no malice intended at all. It's just what I see to be the plain truth, and I'm certainly willing to entertain logical alternate ideas.
    Last edited by De Layne; 10-10-2008 at 11:12 AM.

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  3. #12
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    Why would anyone care what Fox News has to say? Oh, I guess I'd care if they supported my views but they don't. Can't we please just stick to bashing the Republicans?

  4. #13
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Biden claimed that Cheney is the most dangerous VP ever and based that claim on what he said was Cheney's misunderstanding of the Constitution. That Biden was wrong in what he laid out as Cheney's misunderstanding points to Biden's own misunderstanding of the Constitution.

    What's the point? If misunderstanding the role of the VP makes you the most dangerous VP ever, and Biden misunderstands it, then by Biden's own standards he is running to be the most dangerous VP in history

    Say it ain't so, Joe!
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  5. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post

    Say it ain't so, Joe!
    That's a great emoticon. I'll have to remember it for Nov 5.

  6. #15
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    yes, it is. we are guaranteed 4 more years of laughs regardless of who is elected
    Last edited by hoglahoo; 10-10-2008 at 03:10 PM.
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  7. #16
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    All political campaigns are full of contradictions like this.

    I recall Sarah Palin making fun of Joe Bidens age, something like "I've been listening to his speeches since the second grade".

    At which point I said, "Are you serious? Your own running mate is 6 years older!"

    Of course, in interviews afterward, she claimed it was to make the point that he's a worthy adversary with lots of experience (though that's not what her tone in the speech suggests). But that is another faux pas because she has been accused of not having enough experience. Why would you make a point of stating that someone is more fit for a job than you are?

    I try not to read too much into these things and stick to track records and policies; the mudslinging is base and tiring anyway.

  8. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russel Baldridge View Post
    I recall Sarah Palin making fun of Joe Bidens age, something like "I've been listening to his speeches since the second grade".
    I remember hearing a zinger something along the lines of "The last time McCain said something that made any sense, she was in sixth grade", but I can't remember who said it.

    William F Buckley's son just endorsed Obama.

  9. #18
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    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russel Baldridge View Post
    I recall Sarah Palin making fun of Joe Bidens age, something like "I've been listening to his speeches since the second grade".

    At which point I said, "Are you serious? Your own running mate is 6 years older!"

    Of course, in interviews afterward, she claimed it was to make the point that he's a worthy adversary with lots of experience (though that's not what her tone in the speech suggests). But that is another faux pas because she has been accused of not having enough experience. Why would you make a point of stating that someone is more fit for a job than you are?
    Actually I am convinced that the main concern of Sarah Palin is Sarah Palin. Everything she does seems to be motivated of whether it does her good. She is very savy politician, just like Obama, but it will be interesting to watch some of the future primaries where she would be challenged on substance. She hasn't done anything hard in her life and that shows (winning against corrupt politicians, or spending money when it's plentiful is the opposite of hard).
    For that matter Obama hasn't done many hard things either, but at least he's shown that he can set a goal and be diciplined and persistent in pursuing it.

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    The Twit Olympics indeed!

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