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Thread: Dear Mr. Obama

  1. #31
    Senior Member Hutch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugrad02 View Post
    If Barak Obama were to apply for a job with the FBI, CIA and many others, he would be turned down due to his involvement with individuals like William Ayers and wife Bernadine Dohrn, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko and especially for his support of the Kenyan Raila Odinga (google him if any of you are uninformed of his acts of ordering murders)

    Yet the majority of the American public want him as Commander in Chief?

    Isn't it funny how the biased, leftist mainstream media has mistakenly left out Barak Obama's shady involvment with all of these people? Oh...... wait, that wasn't a mistake?
    Please explain what exactly his "shady involvement" was with Bill Ayers? Jeremiah Wright?

    I know Rezko (actually his wife) bought the lot beside his house so that he could buy his home from the owner who wanted to sell the house and the lot together.

    As for Raila Odinga I've yet to see anything form any reliable/credible sources, not someone's blog.

    Now lets go into guilt by mere associations;

    -John McCain and William Keating.

    -U.S. Council for World Freedom a right wing group that was associated with Nazi collaborators and death squads. It was also involved with Iran Contra.

    -His known and continued association with a drug user that was involved in presciption fraud.

    -His relationship with Vicki Iseman.

    -His association with Rick Renzi.

    -His association with Fred Malek (an anti semite from the Nixon days).

    -He cheated on his injured wife

    I doubt John McCain would make it into the FBI, CIA or many others too.

    In honesty these matter just as little as those associations that you pointed out with Barrack Obama , except maybe the Keating Five issue where he may have broke the law, despite only getting a reprimand (the investigating officers wanted to pursue prosecution).

    If one was to look into anyone's background there would be associations, either known or unknown, with people that have checkered pasts, postion that we wouldn't agree with or a criminal past.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugrad02 View Post
    If Barak Obama were to apply for a job with the FBI, CIA and many others, he would be turned down due to his involvement with individuals like William Ayers and wife Bernadine Dohrn, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko and especially for his support of the Kenyan Raila Odinga (google him if any of you are uninformed of his acts of ordering murders)

    Yet the majority of the American public want him as Commander in Chief?

    Isn't it funny how the biased, leftist mainstream media has mistakenly left out Barak Obama's shady involvment with all of these people? Oh...... wait, that wasn't a mistake?
    Versus McCain who would not make it into the Naval Academy now:

    His father is no longer alive to pull strings
    He is a fan of G. Gordon Liddy (a convicted felon who espouses the murder of Federal agents)
    He was investigated by the Senate for is involvement with Keating...they absolvedhim of any criminal activity but said he displayed poor judgement
    An organization he chairs gave over $800K to Rashidi - the same professor they give Obama a hard time about becasue he knew him in Chicago

    McCain has just as many skeletons - if not more - as Obama...probably more, since he has been in DC longer.

    Since we're Googling, Google how many planes McCain crashed, but still kept his wings becasue of "daddy" being an Admiral, or how he was not qualified to get into the war college, but again, strings were pulled....or how when he was a naval liason with Congress, he worked behind the scenes to get an aircraft carrier built tat the Navy did not want...but his buddies did.

    Yep, he's just like us......

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nord Jim View Post
    Oh, puh-leeze!

    The so-called "leftist mainstream media" have been covering these things ad nauseum, while they ignore all of McSame's ties to lobbyists and corporations. Fact is, with painfully few exceptions, the mainstream media have been controlled by the right wing for some time now.
    The media ignoring Mccain's ties to lobbyists? I have heard more about this by the media than anything about Obama's ties to unrepentant terrorists. Take a look at the number of telelvision shows, newspapers, media coprporations and other media outlets that have endorsed Barak Obama for President. Media controlled by the Right??? Are you kidding me? Sure, there are people like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity that lean towards the right but never have I seen such disrespect towards a candidate. Both John McCain and Sarah Palin have been called out and been unfairly attacked because Barak Hussein Obama is the chosen one that came down from the heavens to bring CHANGE to America.

    It is unfortunate that his change will turn America into a Socialist country.

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  5. #34
    I'm a Shaaarrrk! Chady's Avatar
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    I was afraid this thread was going to die too soon but it just keeps on giving

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  7. #35
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    Let us say that there is a connection with McCain and the above people. Nowhere can you site an instance where he defended the actions of these people, unlike OBama.

    I find it ludicrous to suggest some moral equivalence with some mentioned illegal civil matters and cheating on your wife, which was their private business last time I checked with Bill Clinton, and people who bombed and killed American citizens and to this day still support such action. Sitting for 20 years in front of your spiritual lead that says "God D.. America" and is an outright racist, and then lying about it, is enough for most people to just consider someone else for US President.

    Obama is a socialist, straight up! I do not have a problem with anyone stating their position and running on that but, not Obama, he lies about it.

    Being against burning coal under any circumstances is fine if you state that position, not Obama he lies about it.

    There are many other things that one could cover about Obama but this response is getting to long as it is. Suffice it to say that once again we are voting for the lesser of two evils for President and I will not vote for a socialist racebater who has delusions of Godhood! If he is elected he will try to squash all opposing views just like he did when he kick the newpaper reporters off the plane a coulple of days back. Pathetic, if that does not show you where his head is at, what will!


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  9. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugrad02 View Post
    The media ignoring Mccain's ties to lobbyists? I have heard more about this by the media than anything about Obama's ties to unrepentant terrorists. Take a look at the number of telelvision shows, newspapers, media coprporations and other media outlets that have endorsed Barak Obama for President. Media controlled by the Right??? Are you kidding me? Sure, there are people like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity that lean towards the right but never have I seen such disrespect towards a candidate. Both John McCain and Sarah Palin have been called out and been unfairly attacked because Barak Hussein Obama is the chosen one that came down from the heavens to bring CHANGE to America.

    It is unfortunate that his change will turn America into a Socialist country.
    How have McCan't and Palin been "called out and unfairly attacked?" I'd especially appreciate you explaining how there is anything that has been said about them that is even remotely comparable to the McCarthyist nonsense that the Repugnican sewage machine has been spewing about Obama -- attacks that the "liberal media" parrot endlessly, regardless of the fact that they are without merit.

    I will also challenge you to come up with some evidence that Obama is a "socialist." You people seem to believe that his statement to "Joe" the "Plumber" that the American middle class should be able to keep a bit more of the money that they've earned by their labor is somehow evidence of "socialism." And if you're going to cite the seven-year-old radio interview in which he comments on civil rights efforts to effect fiscal equality through the courts (which he said were misguided), please get it right. I'd suggest listening to the whole interview, not just the out-of-context clips the wingnutosphere has been repeating, and then, if you still don't get it, read some of the legal commentary on what he was actually talking about. I would seriously suggest that you not rely on Limbaugh, O'Really, and Coulter on this one.

    It's really easy when you're overcome with hatred of a political figure, to call him a "socialist." Doesn't make it so, and adds absolutely nothing to the discussion.


    Oh, and you might stop referring to Ayers as "unrepentant." That's another one from the wingnuts. He actually repented of the violence, but defended the fact that he worked against the war. He said he should have "done more," but was not referring to the violence at the time.
    Last edited by Nord Jim; 11-01-2008 at 05:26 PM.

  10. #37
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    This video is just more of the "if you aren't with us, you are against us" mentality touted by Bush and Cheney. It is the continuation of the aggressive nationalism of Hobbes and Strauss, the espousing of Machiavelli's maxim that "if no external threat exists then one has to be manufactured" (meaning while progress may be being made in Iraq, we need to keep the populace afraid to stay in or come to power), the desire to use foreign policy to fulfill a "nation destiny" (per Irving Kristol, one of the leading neo-conservatives), the appropriation of the references to God by the Founding Fathers to exclusively Christian interpratation, and the praising and encouraging of faith in their political base, while they themselves feel no obligation to follow or practice the same (Leo Strauss Strauss viewed religion as absolutely essential in government in order to impose moral law on the masses who otherwise would be out of control. He also felt that that religion was for the masses alone; the rulers need not be bound by it.)

    I can not find anything in the GOP platform that is not tied to divisiveness, "them vs. us", the abrogation of individual rights and intolerance veiled in the guise of faith and religion, and the attempts to elevate that "faith" to a place of superiority over all others, violating the separation of church and state exhorted both by the constitution and by Christ himself (...Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. - Mark 12:16-18)

    As much as I can research, my family has been Republican probably since the party was founded in the 1850's. The disillusionment for many started with Nixon and has not stopped. While GOP claims to be "of the common man", their policies ("trickle-down economics", etc.) have benefitted the wealthy at the expense of the working and middle class; while they claim to hate "elitists", they cling to the exclusivity that wealth provides with a grasping claw and will say or do anything to maintain this hold - even at the cost of American lives, treasure, prestige, and reputation.

    I am not concerned with whom someone may have associated; I am concerned with those whom they would place in positions of authority. I am concerned with how they treat all segments of American society and if they seek to include everyone in this great undertaking we call the United States. If they seek to divide, to claim on class/belief/faith/creed is superior to another and those who do follow their choice are "un-American", if they claim to support the American worker but do everything in their power to line the pockets of the already wealthy, if they seek to obtain the support of veterans with one hand, while failing to support them on the other..they I will not and cannot support them. I also see it as an duty to speak out against them, an obligation; an obligation to my forebears of over 350 years on American soil.

    "With Malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds."

    There is nothing in the above quote in anything that has come out of the GOP in the last 2 decades, if not longer....despite the quote being from Lincoln.

    Both parties have strayed violently from the ideals of Jefferson, Adams, Paine, Franklin, and Lincoln. We - the People of the United States - can never redirect the nation unless we are united.

    "America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great."

    "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money."
    - Alexis de Tocqueville

  11. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by WireBeard View Post
    This video is just more of the "if you aren't with us, you are against us" mentality touted by Bush and Cheney. It is the continuation of the aggressive nationalism of Hobbes and Strauss, the espousing of Machiavelli's maxim that "if no external threat exists then one has to be manufactured" (meaning while progress may be being made in Iraq, we need to keep the populace afraid to stay in or come to power), the desire to use foreign policy to fulfill a "nation destiny" (per Irving Kristol, one of the leading neo-conservatives), the appropriation of the references to God by the Founding Fathers to exclusively Christian interpratation, and the praising and encouraging of faith in their political base, while they themselves feel no obligation to follow or practice the same (Leo Strauss Strauss viewed religion as absolutely essential in government in order to impose moral law on the masses who otherwise would be out of control. He also felt that that religion was for the masses alone; the rulers need not be bound by it.)

    I can not find anything in the GOP platform that is not tied to divisiveness, "them vs. us", the abrogation of individual rights and intolerance veiled in the guise of faith and religion, and the attempts to elevate that "faith" to a place of superiority over all others, violating the separation of church and state exhorted both by the constitution and by Christ himself (...Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. - Mark 12:16-18)

    As much as I can research, my family has been Republican probably since the party was founded in the 1850's. The disillusionment for many started with Nixon and has not stopped. While GOP claims to be "of the common man", their policies ("trickle-down economics", etc.) have benefitted the wealthy at the expense of the working and middle class; while they claim to hate "elitists", they cling to the exclusivity that wealth provides with a grasping claw and will say or do anything to maintain this hold - even at the cost of American lives, treasure, prestige, and reputation.

    I am not concerned with whom someone may have associated; I am concerned with those whom they would place in positions of authority. I am concerned with how they treat all segments of American society and if they seek to include everyone in this great undertaking we call the United States. If they seek to divide, to claim on class/belief/faith/creed is superior to another and those who do follow their choice are "un-American", if they claim to support the American worker but do everything in their power to line the pockets of the already wealthy, if they seek to obtain the support of veterans with one hand, while failing to support them on the other..they I will not and cannot support them. I also see it as an duty to speak out against them, an obligation; an obligation to my forebears of over 350 years on American soil.

    "With Malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds."

    There is nothing in the above quote in anything that has come out of the GOP in the last 2 decades, if not longer....despite the quote being from Lincoln.

    Both parties have strayed violently from the ideals of Jefferson, Adams, Paine, Franklin, and Lincoln. We - the People of the United States - can never redirect the nation unless we are united.

    "America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great."

    "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money."
    - Alexis de Tocqueville
    I'm in much the same boat. My great-great-great grandfather was a founder of the Republican Party in Monroe County, New York. To give you an idea of the difference between his Party and ours, he was also a stationmaster on the Underground Railroad. You see, back in those days, the Republicans were in favor of freedom and equality, not against it.

    But it didn't last long. By the 1880s, Frederick Douglass (whom my grandfather may have known) would lament that "the party of emancipation has become the party of money."

    You're right -- Lincoln wouldn't recognize it.


  12. #39
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    I thought I would let the man in the youtube video a chance to speak for himself!
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  13. #40
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chady View Post
    I was afraid this thread was going to die too soon but it just keeps on giving
    Very good!!

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