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Thread: Dear Mr. Obama

  1. #41
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugrad02 View Post
    Isn't it funny how the biased, leftist mainstream media has mistakenly left out Barak Obama's shady involvment with all of these people? Oh...... wait, that wasn't a mistake?
    I don't know how it went in the US, but over here, it was reported, people looked at it, and said 'meh'.
    Looking at my past, I am sure you'll find some people who became criminals, bigots or racist. In fact I am sure because I know of a couple.
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    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  2. #42
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Perhaps you could consider changin the name of your country to DSA instead of USA: 'Divided States of America'
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  3. #43
    Senior Member denmason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Perhaps you could consider changin the name of your country to DSA instead of USA: 'Divided States of America'
    That may not be far from the truth Bruno. The Director of the United States Central Intelligence Agency, General Michael Hayden, has told both the Syrian President and Lebanon’s Hezbollah Leadership that the next American president would the ‘last one’ during secret meetings he held in Beirut in early October. Equally as stunning, these reports continue, President Bush had secretly delivered to Syrian President Assad a ‘guarantee’ that Israel would be made to withdrawal from the Golan Heights in exchange for its breaking of its alliance with Iran, news which shocked the Israeli government who stated they were unaware of this latest American move against them. Russian Military Analysts state that these latest US moves are designed around the planned ascendancy to the US Presidency of Barak Obama who they report is slated to lead the United States into the worst period of their history since their 1860-65 Civil War, and which like that conflict is due to fracture the American Nation from its present position as a First World Nation State to one of at least three separate countries based upon ethnic and religious lines.
    The American people, however, continue to remain in near total ignorance of their impending fate still failing to realize that a United States economy supported by 70 percent of its citizens continually buying things they don’t need while they owe over $25 Trillion in debt on their credit cards they are now using for their most basis of needs, is an economic system that can do nothing else but collapse in a way that will shock these poor people unlike anything ever occurring in their lifetime. Not to be overlooked is that with the coming breakup of the United States their once stalwart ally Israel will be doomed as the Americans continue to be the only Nation still supporting the Jewish State against a rising tide of World condemnation for their imprisonment of the Palestinian people. I only wonder when, or if, these American people will finally awaken to the dangers they face so that they might prepare themselves for survival in the strange World suddenly enveloping them in its evil embrace. For them to do nothing borders on the insane, but if this past decade has shown us anything it is that most of them are.

  4. #44
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    I thought I would let the man in the youtube video a chance to speak for himself!
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    Yeah you better do, Bill Hemmer is obviously not interested in it - pathetic, but hardly unexpected.

  5. #45
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    Hmm, if you know about the "secret" meeeting and what was said at the "secret" meeting I guess it wasn't very secret.

  6. #46
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    Why doesn't Sgt. Joe understand that when you go to war over a false pretense it is a mistake, the US went to war because of the WMD's, for which there were none. If Bush had said "we're going to go to Iraq to help the Iraqi people because they are just like us", I guarantee you that the US would have never gone and Sgt. Joe would still have his leg.

    Sgt. Joe doesn't even know why they were there.

  7. #47
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    That may not be far from the truth Denmason. The Director of the United States Central Intelligence Agency, General Dirk von Tripe, has told both the Syrian President, Lebanon’s Hezbollah Leadership and Emporor Ming, the Merciless that the next to last American president would the ‘last one an a two’ during tip top, double secret meetings he held in Secret Beirut in early Secret October. Equally as stunning, these secret reports continue, President Bush and thirty seven Asian midgets had secretly delivered to Syrian President Assad a pizza with a ‘thirty minute or less guarantee’ that Israel would be made to withdrawal from the McDonaldland Heights in exchange for its breaking off its alliance with Saturn, news which shocked the Israeli government who stated they were unaware of this latest double-top secret American move against them. Russian Military Analysts state that these latest US moves are designed around the planned ascendancy to the US Presidency of Barak Obama who they report is slated to lead the United States into the worst period of their history since Fonzi jumped the shark, and which like that conflict is due to fracture the American Nation from its present position as a First World Nation State to one of at least three separate countries based upon the choices of dessert and cream rinse.

  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to icedog For This Useful Post:

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  9. #48
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    Personally I agreed with going into Iraq when we did. It is a fact that Saddam had WMD's and that he used them in the past. Bush gave Saddam the option of disclosing the WMD's, if destroyed, when, if the has them, where are they and destroy them. Saddam was a sadistic SOB. Saddam did not make any statements regarding the WMDs known to be in his possession, and he chose to risk the invasion.

    My analogy: I'm walking down the street with my family, and I have my handgun with me. A person, who is know is violate due to past personal experience approaches me, and makes threatening gestures/statements. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out what I think is a gun. I pull my gun, and warn him that I will shoot if he proceeds with his current course of action. He fails to comply and I shoot him dead. Upon closer inspection, the "handgun" he pulled out from his pocket is a cell phone. The fact that he did not have a gun does not make my shooting wrong. It was still a righteous and justified shooting.

    Saddam was a violent and sadistic individual, and would support any organization that was intent on doing harm to the US. He had WMDs and had used them in the past on his own people. It is not a far stretch of the imagination that he would support any terrorist organization opposed to the USA. He was in blatant violation of multiple resolutions imposed upon him by the UN. The UN required that he disclose the location of the WMDs he had, or, if they were destroyed, prove that they were destroyed. He did not. He was warned of invasion if he did not comply, and he still failed to comply. He was then invaded. All based upon UN resolutions and blessings.

    Now, as to why we are still in Iraq, that is a whole different story, that I cannot answer. We should have been out a long time ago, IMHO.


  10. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhailey View Post
    Obama has never served in the military, and he is poised to be the commander in chief. If, according to you, we cannot even have an opinion on military issues without first having served in the military, how can you support a person who never served to be the commander in chief?

    George W. Bush never really "served" in the military. He just hid from the draft, drank a lot (drugs?), went AWOL, and was an embarrassment to his family and to the country. He then took the country into the most ill-advised war in our history, gave Al Qaeda recruiting fodder forever, and ruined our standing in the world through torture and rendition. Oh, and he has also taken us into the deepest debt and the most precarious economic straits since 1929. Let's not forget his draft-dodging partner Cheney and other chicken-hawks in this sordid administration. I'll take a smart, thoughtful person who has never served in the military if it means avoiding all of that. Obama has been a United States Senator, so there are many ways of serving one's country, as John McCain points out (by saying he's served all of his life). Get over this "never served in the military" thing. It's from another time (WWII) since most people have never done anything for our country, not even shared any sacrifice after 9/11 when it would have been appropriate. Instead, Bush said to go shopping.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to painter33 For This Useful Post:

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  12. #50
    I'm a Shaaarrrk! Chady's Avatar
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    thank you for your post and welcome painter

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