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Thread: Dear Mr. Obama

  1. #71
    Member voerman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhailey View Post
    So what "serious consequences" should there have been for the failure to abide by the prior resolutions? Another resolution?
    Maybe something a little less "serious" than 85,000+ dead human beings.


  2. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by voerman View Post
    Maybe something a little less "serious" than 85,000+ dead human beings.

    still didn't answer my question. provide alternatives, not talking points.


  3. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    I don't know.
    Iraq was harming nobody and imo, they could have gone on bickering until the end of time. Iraq is a sovereign nation. It doesn't have to care for anything the US or the UN says.
    The UN isolated Iraq for failing to comply. Fair enough for me. Eventually Saddam would have fallen on his own.

    The US ignores the nuclear non proliferation treaty and is still performing biological and chemical weapons research and development. How is the US different from what Iraq was accused of (but ultimately didn't do)?

    The only difference is that the US has enough clout to badger the other countries into compliance, or at least into a position of non opposition. The only difference is that the US can get away with it.
    You are the first European I have heard say the the UN is an impotent power, which no nation needs to pay any heed. Usually it is the European nations standing up and promoting the use of the UN. The other problem was the France, Germany and many other countries were not abiding by the UN resolutions and Iraq was not isolated. There was rampant abuse of the oil for food program, and many of the high ranking UN representatives and other nations were making billions on the abuse of this program. With the invasion of Iraq, this program ceased to be necessary. Could it be that the nations opposed to the invasion of Iraq, and which blocked resolutions for the invasion were the same countries making billions on this abuse?????!!!

    Please provide support for your statement regarding the USA's alleged ignoring of the nuclear non proliferation treaty. Show me your support that the USA is continuing to develop offensive biological weapons. Also, the US is a signatory to the UN-sponsored Chemical Weapons Convention. United States Chemical Weapons Convention Web Site Please provide support that the US is in violation of this convention.


  4. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugrad02 View Post
    Who said anything about hatred towards Obama? Please don't put words in my mouth. I don't hate Barak Obama, I just don't think he is the one that should be leading this country right now. He is extremely inexperienced. A community organizer with 187 or so days as a US Senator in my eyes falls well short of the experience needed to become president. (as if there was some sort of an experience prerequesite)

    My father taught me to try to see things from both sides. Odd advice from a man who was spit on by a group of hippies in a California airport on his way home from Vietnam in 1969. Trying to see things on an even playing field for this election has been difficult for me. But one thing my father also taught me was respect for the Commander in Chief. If Barak Obama wins the election and becomes our next President, then so be it. Will I hate him? Absolutely no!. Will I respect him. You bet! In the end, the person who runs our country has a tough job and I can't imagine the burden. Calling Barak Obma a socialist is nothing more than my opinion. Call it fear, call it what you will, but in the end it is simply an opinion. It is afterall a great freedom we have, to be able to disagree.

    I believe I read a post from you, or was it another SRP user, that told us that Obama really isn't all that bad. For the sake of the country, I hope you or whomever wrote that was right.

    So, to you Nord Jim, I say that I respect your opinion and though I disagree with your views I need to look towards the very thing that brought us here to this site. Straight Razors. And so, to you I say Happy Shaving!

    I think my conclusion about your intention was justified. You were speaking in the coded language of the right wing. Calling someone a "socialist" is bad enough, but your insistence on referring to Senator Obama as "Barack Hussein" has been used as code throughout this campaign to suggest that he is not "one of us."

    I don't know why you used that term. If you tell me that you meant no harm, then fine. But it seems obvious that you used it as a pejorative, in which case you might profitably evaluate your own motivations.

    Yes, I was the one who said things would be alright. Senator Obama isn't anywhere near as radical as the right wing noise machine has indicated. He's actually quite staid and considered. I think that, assuming you're not outright pleased a year from now, you'll at least feel more confident that we're moving in the right direction.

    In the meantime, say a quick prayer for whoever wins. They have their work cut out for them, in spades.


  5. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhailey View Post
    still didn't answer my question. provide alternatives, not talking points.

    Why do we need an alternative? Sometimes the status-quo is better than the other options...

  6. #76
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    Bruno, I have to support Matt on few of his points, the US has not developed any actual weapons, and has reduced it's chemical weapons stockpile. As for research, that genie is out of the bottle, and will never be put back in. The research for chemical weapons, is basically the same as that for pesticides, fertilizers and pharmaceuticals. Under all treaties research is exempt as it is required to combat weapons that maybe produced, it's also required to monitor the stockpile of existing weapons and develop disposal meathods. EU countries are not blameless in this either, they are the ones that sold Iraq the equipment and technology for chemical weapons, and the French built them a reactor.

    The US has violated the the Non-Proliferation treat, how so? Who have they supplied nuclear weapons, materials or technology to? Thats what that treat covers.

    As for punishing by isolation, for the most part it is a waste and has many unintended consequences. Many European countries were violating the sanctions too, which even weakens them further.

    Saddam never hurt anyone? Give me break there are thousands of dead that can't argue with you about that point.

    Comparing the US or any stable democratic country to a brutal totalitarian dictatorship is really just plain silly.

    I don't support the reasons as to why George Bush started the war and the attempt to link them to 911 (which Cheney still does). Like your parents say its the lies that get you in trouble. If they had finished in Afghanistan, which had broad support worldwide, then basically said that Saddam is a trouble maker in the Middle East, he threatens the developed world by threatening the world's oil supplies, I would have been more apt to have supported it.

  7. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhailey View Post
    You are the first European I have heard say the the UN is an impotent power, which no nation needs to pay any heed. Usually it is the European nations standing up and promoting the use of the UN. The other problem was the France, Germany and many other countries were not abiding by the UN resolutions and Iraq was not isolated. There was rampant abuse of the oil for food program, and many of the high ranking UN representatives and other nations were making billions on the abuse of this program. With the invasion of Iraq, this program ceased to be necessary. Could it be that the nations opposed to the invasion of Iraq, and which blocked resolutions for the invasion were the same countries making billions on this abuse?????!!!

    Please provide support for your statement regarding the USA's alleged ignoring of the nuclear non proliferation treaty. Show me your support that the USA is continuing to develop offensive biological weapons. Also, the US is a signatory to the UN-sponsored Chemical Weapons Convention. United States Chemical Weapons Convention Web Site Please provide support that the US is in violation of this convention.

    Matt, do you have a link to some source for this information? It is likely that the source would cover a topic I am trying to research myself! Thanks for the help fellow Eagle.


  8. #78
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    The New York Times > International > Middle East > Under Eye of U.N., Billions for Hussein in Oil-for-Food Plan=

    Here is a link to the Volker reports into the Oil for Food program, and how Iraq manipulated the program.

    UN Oil-for-Food Programme |

  9. #79
    French Toast Please! sicboater's Avatar
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    Thank you sir!

    Quote Originally Posted by mhailey View Post
    The New York Times > International > Middle East > Under Eye of U.N., Billions for Hussein in Oil-for-Food Plan=

    Here is a link to the Volker reports into the Oil for Food program, and how Iraq manipulated the program.

    UN Oil-for-Food Programme |

  10. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by denmason View Post
    That may not be far from the truth Bruno. The Director of the United States Central Intelligence Agency, General Michael Hayden, has told both the Syrian President and Lebanon’s Hezbollah Leadership that the next American president would the ‘last one’ during secret meetings he held in Beirut in early October. Equally as stunning, these reports continue, President Bush had secretly delivered to Syrian President Assad a ‘guarantee’ that Israel would be made to withdrawal from the Golan Heights in exchange for its breaking of its alliance with Iran, news which shocked the Israeli government who stated they were unaware of this latest American move against them. Russian Military Analysts state that these latest US moves are designed around the planned ascendancy to the US Presidency of Barak Obama who they report is slated to lead the United States into the worst period of their history since their 1860-65 Civil War, and which like that conflict is due to fracture the American Nation from its present position as a First World Nation State to one of at least three separate countries based upon ethnic and religious lines.
    The American people, however, continue to remain in near total ignorance of their impending fate still failing to realize that a United States economy supported by 70 percent of its citizens continually buying things they don’t need while they owe over $25 Trillion in debt on their credit cards they are now using for their most basis of needs, is an economic system that can do nothing else but collapse in a way that will shock these poor people unlike anything ever occurring in their lifetime. Not to be overlooked is that with the coming breakup of the United States their once stalwart ally Israel will be doomed as the Americans continue to be the only Nation still supporting the Jewish State against a rising tide of World condemnation for their imprisonment of the Palestinian people. I only wonder when, or if, these American people will finally awaken to the dangers they face so that they might prepare themselves for survival in the strange World suddenly enveloping them in its evil embrace. For them to do nothing borders on the insane, but if this past decade has shown us anything it is that most of them are.

    Denmason is one enlightened dude.

    It's refreshing to read your posts and I am glad to see someone (besides me) follows international politics.

    Kudos, bro.

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