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  1. #11
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    Glen you have a typo - it's issue, singular, unless you're becoming a flip-flopper

    Nooooo I believe that was correct, as I put it there, You can have more than one issue that "trips yer trigger" so to speak... Yes the pun was intended

  2. #12
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Oh, no, are you telling me you agree with a politician on more than one issue?!?
    You're an official flip-flopper my friend, you have a bright future in DC, don't waste your days in ID. You've officially given up the single-issue simplicity - from now on you shall be known as elitist

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by syslight View Post
    If you numbers aren't lying to you... you simply have not massaged them enough!
    There are lies, damned lies, and statistics....

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    You guys are really nervous that Obama can't win aren't you?
    Quote Originally Posted by Navaja View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dicestone View Post
    Everybody I bet, has someone in their past that was a Commie, Marxist, or some Lowlife friend or hero. It’s just too bad that Obama’s friends all fall in the above
    I have to laugh at these sort of childish and spiteful comments. I just yesterday heard someone say that she was "terrified at the idea of Obama winning this election". "Terrified"? I wish I could muster up the emotion necessary to be "terrified" or "nervous" or excited enough to cheer for a candidate like a schoolkid at a football game or to make foolish, unwarranted, slanderous generizations about "all" of some politician's friends. I personally find it hard to believe that anyone can possibly want to vote a conservative ticket. But I also find it hard to believe that anyone really believes in a supreme being. I am glad that it is considered rude to discuss politics and/or religion in polite company.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by riooso View Post
    They are terrified! All the mainstream liberal press is saying it is a done deal, Obama is saying it is a done deal. Were have we heard this before, Gore, Kerry..... the list goes on. A study just came out that the press in America is backing Obama. They cook the polls to discourage the other side from voting and if they lose they claim it was stolen, just like last time, oh, and just like the time before that, and the time before that........ You would think they would learn it ain't over till the vote is in.

    I know that we are voting for the lesser of two evils here but how can you vote for a straight up Socialist. The latest is that we are "stingy", what, 50% of what we make, as calculated by tax freedom day, is not enough?

    Most Americans can't even define Socialist or Socialism. These claims by McCain are just more smoke to distract the American public (which has a notoriously short attention span as it is) from the fact that the platform offers no solutions, only fear, hate, and more of the same we have had for the last 8 years. I am concerned that Obama may lose:

    - there are more racists in the US than many will admit
    - fear-mongering has a proven record of keeping otherwise thoughtful people from thinking straight
    - we have had 8 years of one man with "daddy issues" we need 4 more?

    Obama is looking to do nothing more than return to Clinton's tax setup....and we all know what a mess the country was back then...all that budget surplus and employment...eeeew!...who would want that?

    TR was a huge champion of breaking up monopolies and the power corporations had...hardly a plank in the current GOP platform.

    He was also a man who took responsibility and it's time Americans stood up and admitted that they had a hand in the current economic trouble - no onf forced them to buy homes they knew the couldn't afford or to live way beyond their means on credit cards:

    "If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month."
    - Theodore Roosevelt

  6. #16
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    You guys are really reaching now!
    Is this the guy you want us to vote for:Senator Barack Obama in Kenya > Obama and Odinga: The True Story « African Press International (API)
    Either his judgment is extremely poor, or he has a hidden agenda! In either case it exposes him to be unfit for office!

  7. #17
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    Default More "distraction"...

    The Associated Press: McCain says he has always had faith in his country
    McCain to Obama: “My country has never had to prove anything to me” « FOX Embeds «

    What does he mean? Again, he is not saying anything....or, by saying that this country has never had to prove anything to he saying that it is perfect as it is? Then what is he going to change?

    I think Obama was using "vindicate" according to its second definition in the Webster's:

    "to provide justification or defense for"

    McCain needs to think before he opens his mouth.....

    The back of the great Seal is an unfinished pyramid, meaning that there is always work to do, discussion and debate to be joined, weaknesses to overcome, challenges to be faced.

    "My country has never had to prove anything to me"? Hogwash! Every American who truly desires to see America great must prove everything to every other American every day; we must prove to each other that we are worthy of the task and of their confidence in us to work on the pyramid. That is why we are where we are now...too many Americans have given up, too many are afraid to criticize the US for fear of being called un-American.

    Above the pyramid is the All Seeing Eye of God (not Christ...sorry right-wingers...everyone is included under the Eye of God, not just those whom you like) and the motto is "Annuit Coeptis" (He approves (or has approved) [our] undertakings) - our undertakings, not achievements. The US is a work in progress; McCain is apparently not willing to challenge Americans to overcome their fear and division and work together for the nation, instead claiming that his past service is enough to justify their faith in him and their vote.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    You guys are really reaching now!
    Is this the guy you want us to vote for:Senator Barack Obama in Kenya > Obama and Odinga: The True Story « African Press International (API)
    Either his judgment is extremely poor, or he has a hidden agenda! In either case it exposes him to be unfit for office!
    Wow good point...but then McCain has to pack his bags too:

    The Next Administration: McCain -

    Note the name of William Timmons....a lobbyist who worked for Saddam Hussein.
    McCain Transition Chief Aided Saddam In Lobbying Effort

    And then there is McCain's "paling around" with G. Gordon Liddy

    With friends like these ... --

    I guess we need to start the election process all over, since neither appear to be qualified.

  9. #19
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    With Obama, his "bad judgment" where his allies are concerned seems to be rather consistent, and persistent I might add! Not so with McCain!
    I would still prefer someone else heading the republican ticket, but you play with the card you were dealt!
    If it were McCain who had the persistent "bad judgement" and not Obama I would likely vote Obama!

  10. #20
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    You guys are really nervous that Obama can't win aren't you?
    Not half as nervous as you are about him winning, I guess.

    I will be glad when the dice has been cast, and we can finally start talking about something else, instead of having these 'Obama did not, McCain did too' discussions
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

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