The Obama-Biden transtion team has opened a website to solicit direct input from the populace.

In response to one of the links, I sent in the following:

"My vision, my hopes for this nation are founded in my reading of U.S. and World history, of the writings and views of Adams, Lincoln, Jefferson, de Tocqueville, and Truman.

I have a hope that the Constitution will be revered and used to support Liberty, Equality, and Justice, not denigrated or use to promote petty tyrannies or individual glory;

I have a hope that the U.S. flag will once again be viewed as the standard of Freedom, of Prosperity, of Peace, and as the inspiration for selfless effort in the U.S. and in other nations where they struggle for Justice;

I have a hope the education and learning will be returned to their rightful place at the zenith of human achievement, rather than being condemned and despised in favor of prejudice and willful ignorance;

I have a vision that technology will be pervasive across the nation and that no person desiring access will be denied and that this technology will push information to the populace, allowing them to review information from all sources and then make an informed decision, without partisan intermediaries;

I have a vision that our military will be viewed a liberators and turned to by the oppressed and downtrodden for rescue and aid, not feared, save by the despotic and criminal;

I have a vision that no veteran who has honorably served this nation will ever be without the finest medical care, without a roof over his or her head, without food, without clothing, without access to the means to care for their families. Combat veterans should have free healthcare and free education, as long as they qualify for the school. The spouses and children of those killed in action should have free medical care and, if academically qualified, scholarships for college or trade schools;

I have a vision for this nation that there will be equal pay for equal work and that all who wish to work will have an opportunity to do so, enabled by their experience or by training for new careers;

I have a vision that the aged will be cared for, respected, and revered for the knowledge and experience they possess and that they will not be looked upon as a burden, but instead, as a treasure;

I have a vision that the leaders in business will make themselves the first servants of their companies, working every day for the success of their firm, its employees, and its stockholders. Accountability for those who betray this trust should be public and severe;

I hope to see this nation again be the shining example of Liberty and Peace for the world; I hope to see the tarnish on Lady Liberty’s lamp removed and to see it once again illuminate the Golden Door – the door to our nation as a haven for all who seek individual liberty of thought, speech, conscience, and achievement through their own labor;

I hope to see the world once again view the United States with envy at what we have achieved and with pride that we are their friend and ally; to see the tyrants and criminal governments of the world once again tremble in fear of arousing the righteous wrath of our Nation and filling us with resolve;

I hope to see all Americans learn to respect each others rights and views and learn tolerance for the customs and views of the nations of the world; I hope that Americans can come to the understanding that while they may fight with all their being to oppose the views of others’ with which they disagree, they will fight with equal fervor to defend the right of others’ to hold those views.

I have a vision that all Americans, regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, political party, sexual orientation, education, regional origin, or economic status will consider themselves Americans first and will not shrink from holding the hand of another, so together we can move forward in achieving the goals set forth on July 4th, 1776:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

I have always been proud to be a citizen of the United States: I have served in the U.S. Army and as a police officer and police detective. However, on November 4th, 2008, my pride beyond anything I had ever felt. While not viewing our current situation through rose-colored glasses, I now feel a sense of Hope, of Change, of Potential such as I have never known.

President-elect Obama and Vice-President-elect Biden: thank you for your service to this nation and for your long, hard struggle in the campaign. I hope that my message will be one among tens of millions which will now inspire you and let you know you have the strength of a unified American people standing with you to face the struggle ahead."