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  1. #21
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    There ae reasons that there are extremely few rescues I support.

    Of course most of them think I am the spawn of satan for daring to breed dogs.

  2. #22
    BHAD cured Sticky's Avatar
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    Some of the most expensive and valuable dogs spend nearly their entire lives outdoors (Alaskan sled-dogs). Shelter, food, and water do nicely.

    Have your lawyer mention that their "to the satisfaction of (the rescue)" is unreasonable and much too vague. Next thing they will insist on is steaks at every meal.

    I would advise them to not step on my property without a policeman and a warrant.

    Good luck.
    Last edited by Sticky; 12-30-2008 at 01:45 AM.

  3. #23
    Senior Member WireBeard's Avatar
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    It is a civil contract and does not give them the right to set foot on your property.

    I would advise them that you will defend you property against trespassers.

    Take out a restraining order with the court.

    Contact the media.

    Let your neighbors know what is going on.

    Tell the rescue twits that you have placed your house under video surveillance.

    File a complaint with the AG's office.

    Get the names of the people involved and take out restraining orders against them individually.

    These people are obviously extremists who have forgotten the actual purpose of the breed - just like the idiots who have inbred the Alsatians/German Shepherds to the point that they stand on the lower part of their back legs (for a sleek look), rendering the dog unfit to actual work as intended.

    I have a Samoyed (sitting next to me after a marathon sock-chewing session) and I am glad that the breed is strictly controlled and that most of the Sammie owners I know are sane...many even hook the dogs to sleds during the winter so the dogs can pull and have fun...imagine...the dog doing what it was bred for!!!!

    These nut cases sound like they are one step short of being the freaks from PETA - they love animals so much, the kill them rather than have them be pets or on farms.

  4. #24
    Senior Member WireBeard's Avatar
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    I have looked at the application on the website for this group - it specifically asks where the dog will be while you are away during the day and states that they do interviews and visit the home prior to giving you a dog. Did you tell them in the application that the dogs would be outside part of the day? Did they ask during the interview? If you have a securely fenced yard, I do not see a problem with the dig spending time outside if the weather permits. An alternative is a radio-signal controlled pet door, triggered by a transmitter on the dog's collar. The dog approaches the door and the pet door unlocks and he can push it open to go in or out...otherwise, it is locked in place.

    Also, the Golden Retriever Club of America has a standing committee on Rescue - and nothing on their page indicates that the dogs cannot be left outside while you are at work. It states that the dog is not good as an outside dog, which to me means it is never in the house.

    GAP - Frequently Asked Questions

    I would contact them and file a complaint of harassment.

    Also, as for the second dog nipping at your daughter...did they mention that to you as a behavior issue with this specific dog? If not, then perhaps they have been negligent. I'm sure a lawyer would think so.

  5. #25
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    I have form the opinion that Colorado has a powerful lobby of dog ignoramusi. The idea that they have a complete pitbull ban in the city and county of Denver is enough but now they profess to know what is best for a well cared for golden retriever? I will give up my dog when they pry my cold dead fingers from off his collar.

    I would simply ignore them but you might try a more mature defense by getting a petition signed by as many "neighbors" as possible and present it to some elected official. I'd sign it for you.


  6. #26
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    Good for you. Beat them in court. I had a shelter story - we picked out a cat, and then they wouldn't let us take her home for two days - I forget why. We come back and pick up the cat, and turns out in those two days the idiots had left her exposed to other cats with distemper, so I spent the one week that she lived running up medical bills and force feeding. If you've every force fed a cat, ain't fun. And the look in her eyes when I took her to be put down - it was like, what took you so long asshole.

    These holier than thou idiots really schaf me - if they cared about the animals, they'd be delighted to send them off to good homes. They just care about being holy.

  7. #27
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    While I can empathize with your situation, I would like to point out that sometimes animals ARE mistreated. I have had constant battles with my neighbors who pretend to be so politically correct, yet they have no problem letting their cat roam the neighborhood, especially in my gardens, and they leave their dog out in all weather with no shelter. I have had the police come to my door repeatedly because I have trapped their cat repeatedly. At this point I don't care if the damn thing gets hit by a car, I just don't want it leaving presents in my gardens. On many occasions they have left their dog shut in a porch for days while they were gone. I have found the dog left outside at 3 AM with 10 below weather and absolutely no shelter whatsoever. The dog is also regularly roaming the neighborhood. Both of these animals are from the local shelter and even though the neighbors have been fined repeatedly they keep right on ignoring their pets.

    I realize this is different from your situation. I see nothing wrong with a dog being outside as long as it has any kind of shelter to escape the elements and any dog can certainly handle 45 degree weather. Keep fighting! I'll keep avoiding the nasty looks from my neighbors.

  8. #28
    Senior Member oldfat1's Avatar
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    Just in case anyone can't tell I am a dog person.

    I've dealt with a rescued dog or 30!

    It sounds to me like the people running this place have been jaded. After you see so many abused dogs (I won't burden you with some of the things I've seen) it is easy not to trust people with them. You made it a point to say that it is only in good weather that the dog is outside. We are talking about Goldies here, these dogs run in their sleep! It would be cruel to keep them inside.

    Here is what I want you to do. Look at the dog. I mean really look. Is that dog happy?

    If so, then to hell with them. The dog is the only one you owe anything to.

    Dogs give us unconditional love. We give them the best we can. They seem to be O.K. with that.

  9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to oldfat1 For This Useful Post:

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  10. #29
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldfat1 View Post
    Just in case anyone can't tell I am a dog person.

    I've dealt with a rescued dog or 30!

    It sounds to me like the people running this place have been jaded. After you see so many abused dogs (I won't burden you with some of the things I've seen) it is easy not to trust people with them. You made it a point to say that it is only in good weather that the dog is outside. We are talking about Goldies here, these dogs run in their sleep! It would be cruel to keep them inside.

    Here is what I want you to do. Look at the dog. I mean really look. Is that dog happy?

    If so, then to hell with them. The dog is the only one you owe anything to.

    Dogs give us unconditional love. We give them the best we can. They seem to be O.K. with that.
    Great post ken!!


  11. #30
    Senior Member oldfat1's Avatar
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    Thanks mark.

    BTW, has anyone checked my sig line? Just click and they will give food to shelter dogs and cats around the USA.

    Even if you get the question wrong you win! Don't you wish they did that in school.

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