So I was thinking to myself, "Hm, I remember I joined sometime around now last year." As I went to check my exact join date, I realized that I have already been a member for over a year (though not by much). Much like my first birthday in real life, my first SRP birthday passed without me realizing it had happened.

My what a great year it has been. I started off with a stained workhorse of a Torrey as my first razor, and since then I've grown a shave ready rotation that I'm quite happy with. Thanks to the great insights of this forum I've finally learned how to shave properly, I can hone my own blades, I've learned how to hunt for great deals, and I've even made a few fantastic friends.

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has contributed to the forum and my shaving experience. Please take a moment to reflect on all that you have gained from the forum in your time as a member as well. I realized how much I have gained and I am more appreciative having taken the time to consider it.