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Thread: Absinthe?

  1. #11
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    I will probably try it again sometime. The problem is the types I've already tried tasted bad (to me) AND they had no thujone.

    Also I tried both methods of prepping - the burning sugar cube and mixing with water. Neither had any effect other than sweetening/diluting. Certainly no sign of the louche.

    Does anyone know - how important is it that the water is dripped in slowly? Is it just for ceremony? If you just pour water in and stir / shake it would it have the same effect only faster? Someone should do a test.

    Prep like this may be classy, but come on, six minutes to make the drink???
    YouTube - Absinthe Ritual - Jade PF1901

  • #12
    Doc is offline
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    The reason we are checking into this is there is an absinthe bar open in town now and since Saturday is my Birthday Martha and I thought we would try something new and go try it so I am trying to learn what I can. Thanks for all the help so far.

  • #13
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rajagra View Post
    Certainly no sign of the louche.

    Does anyone know - how important is it that the water is dripped in slowly? Is it just for ceremony? If you just pour water in and stir / shake it would it have the same effect only faster? Someone should do a test.
    the louche occurs because of certain alkalines reacting with the water. some absinthes contain the alkalines, some don't.

    the slowness is important but not for the reasons people think. you could dump the water in, shake it, and then wait the same amount of time and it would have the same effect. the speed at which you add the water is irrelevant, the important thing is the DELAY after the water starts reacting with the alkaline chemicals to form the louche. you should let it sit for a full minute at least, after the water is in. if you drip the water in slowly, you can see the louche (a certain cloudiness, with varying shades of color) happening, which some people enjoy watching.

    i myself don't burn the sugar cube, but i do drip cold water through sugar cubes with an absinthe spoon (which i sort of collect.).

    for all absinthe fans out there, here is a fun ****tail made with absinthe that is absolutely wonderful. i didn't invent it, but i love it.

    The Tormented Gargoyle
    2 measures absinthe
    1 measure simple syrup
    1 measure sweet and sour
    (you can sub 2 measures margarita mix for the syrup and sour)
    juice from half a lemon
    combine in shaker over crushed ice, shake then strain into martini glass

    drink, but very carefully...

  • #14
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    I wasn't even awear that real absinth was legal in the UK, but searching around and I find that it is Going to have to buy some now.


  • #15
    Senior Member rastewart's Avatar
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    Well, all of this has given me the outlines of a plan.

    I was at a conference on Navy Pier in Chicago last fall and noticed that one of the bars along the pier features Lucid. I was in a hurry and passed it up at the time. But now I'm thinking, if I'm downtown any time this spring or summer with a little time on my hands ... a Lucid hour on the pier, watching the water and the passing scene. One can do a lot worse.

    Besides, you know what they say about absinthe.

    It makes the heart grow fonder.


  • #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastewart View Post

    Besides, you know what they say about absinthe.

    It makes the heart grow fonder.

    can we give people negative feedback for awful puns?

  • #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    The reason we are checking into this is there is an absinthe bar open in town now and since Saturday is my Birthday Martha and I thought we would try something new and go try it so I am trying to learn what I can. Thanks for all the help so far.
    In that case, I'd still try the Lucid, and if available at the bar I'd also like to try: La Fee Parisienne (France), Mari Mayans (Spain), and Deva (also Spain). I've read that these are not the top of the heap absinthes, but I'd try them if I could.

    If there are any authentic and vintage Belle Epoque absinthes at this bar, definitely try those (and expect to pay mucho $$$$$. But I'd think it would be worth it.)

    Keep in mind this Absinthe quote: "After the first glass, you see things as you wish they were. After the second, you see things as they are not. Finally, you see things as they really are, and that is the most horrible thing in the world."

    ~Oscar Wilde

    Last edited by honedright; 03-10-2009 at 07:45 PM.

  • #18
    Senior Member igitur55's Avatar
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    I just figured out what a ****tail is. I was trying all the usual 4-letter suspects, and none was making any sense.

    T'appears the curseword filter is calibrated a little high, moderator!

  • #19
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    This won't mean anything to our American friends, but Jeremy Paxman sampled the stuff during his television documentary about the Victorians (screened last night in the UK) It was dripped through a spoon containing sugar. He grimaced and said he'd stick to drinking Scotch!
    'Living the dream, one nightmare at a time'

  • #20
    Lurking Cilted Pirate Spike J's Avatar
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    Have a blinding night Doc!

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