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  1. #11
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jockeys View Post
    Yesterday. I always write letters by hand, on expensive paper, in cursive, with a fountain pen. And I always seal the letter with wax and my family seal.
    I like that touch -- if I received a letter with a proper seal on the back it would make my day. I may have to look into this myself. Thanks!

  2. #12
    Senior Member TomSD's Avatar
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    Wow, it would have to be many years ago when I was in the Navy. Wrote many a letter when deployed in the Navy. This was back before everyone could email while the ship was out at sea.

  3. #13
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fpessanha View Post
    You never heard the priest say "Email of Saint Paul to the Corinthians!"
    Strange that. You probably wouldn't have heard: 'Stone tablet of St. Paul ..............' either. They simply used the best means of communicating that was available.
    'Living the dream, one nightmare at a time'

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to welshwizard For This Useful Post:

    jockeys (05-10-2009)

  5. #14
    Senior Member fpessanha's Avatar
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    I'll be very vain and assume that you are talking to me... Sure, you can quote whatever you wish. I'll check out your blog.
    Thanks for the tips regarding the books. I'll check those out.
    And now, excuse me... I have to go the mail box and post 6 letters.

    Quote Originally Posted by BKratchmer View Post
    You might rather enjoy (along with Freud, Thoreau, Rousseau) the works of Neil Postman- specifically "Technopoly" or "Amusing Ourselves to Death".

    And check out by blog (in the hyperlink in my signature) because I've been focusing on technology, the way it changes us, and sentiments like you've been sharing here.

    In fact, would you mind if I quoted you and made this an example for a new post?

  6. #15
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by majurey View Post
    I like that touch -- if I received a letter with a proper seal on the back it would make my day. I may have to look into this myself. Thanks!
    I first saw it done in A Man for All Seasons, and have been doing it ever since. there are many places online that do sealing wax and seals. I do the beaded wax in a little metal spoon over a candle, heh, looks like I'm prepping a fix when I do it.

  7. #16
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jockeys View Post
    I first saw it done in A Man for All Seasons, and have been doing it ever since. there are many places online that do sealing wax and seals. I do the beaded wax in a little metal spoon over a candle, heh, looks like I'm prepping a fix when I do it.

    ^^I do this same thing, and yes, it looks rather suspect...which is definitely part of the thrill.

  8. #17
    Qui tacet consentit bpave777's Avatar
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    Funny, I just today read a handwritten letter from my mother-in-law. I thought how nice it was that she took time to do that, when she is very well versed at sending emails. It made me want to write a letter to someone.

    This thread has inspired me to do just that. I haven't written a letter to my family in Norway since everyone has email up there now. I think I'll start there.

  9. #18
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I have a friend who is a postal supervisor and he is always telling me of those situations where a facility is being closed or renovated and they find these letters written in 1940 that got stuck behind some equipment and are then posted to the recipient. I mean, imagine getting a letter from a dead person. It gives new meaning to the term snail mail.

    I wonder if there is a 21 century electronic equivalent to a situation like that kind of like a cyberspace dead letter office.

    Oh, my point to the post is if I wrote an old fashioned letter to someone its only worth it if I wrote it with either a fountain pen or a glass pen. If its going to be personal it has to be all the way.
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  10. #19
    Senior Member fpessanha's Avatar
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    As you have noticed, so far, I decided I would take up letter writing again. That's why I started this thread... But I did this with normal paper and normal envelopes and using my everyday parker fountain pen.
    However, I decided, a few hours ago, to buy some nice paper to write letters. I was surprised at how difficult it is, today, to find nice paper and envelopes at a reasonable price. It is even hard to find a nice note pad that can be used for this purpose... This friend of mine who came with me commented the following as we were browsing through the shelves of the store: "it's quite remarkable how a task as simple as buying letter paper is so difficult nowadays..." And indeed it is. The only thing suited for the task in mind was a collection of fancy papers and envelopes with a pack of 10 sheets costing 3 euros. That is a fortune! And it's not what I had in mind! I wanted paper and envelopes a bit better than average. I ended up buying perfectly normal envelopes and a normal note pad. I got disapointed, really...
    However, I'm determined to make this a habit and comence a correspondence circle.

  11. #20
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    I mean never

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