Well it is our first Squid free eveing since she came out of hospital 4 weeks ago, it's flown AND dragged at the same time. My folks are down on holiday for a week and have taken the Squidlett away for the night to give us a break.

So far we've been out for Pizza, paid for by the olds. Enjoyed a nice round of golf and are now settled with the laptops (as I poached my mom's earlier, hehehehe) and a nice glass of wine.

And to prove I'm not a neurotic new mom, I waited at least an hour and a half before phoning to "see how my olds, were doing", ahem, yeah that was it. It's her first night away since she got out or our first night off to look at it another way.

So don't worry folks, it's not an illusion, we're both here at the same time.