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  1. #31
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pjrage View Post

    as I would be out $7K or better if they banned guns

    does that bring it home a little more strongly?

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by gratewhitehuntr View Post

    as I would be out $7K or better if they banned guns

    does that bring it home a little more strongly?
    If they banned guns, I would imagine they would have some buy back type thing set up. Of course you'll be getting pennies on the dollars you actually spent, but it's better than SOL. I could be wrong, but it seems like they would do this. Maybe as a tax writeoff in which case you could estimate the value of your guns however you wanted.

    I mean, they will at least have a place where you can bring the illegal guns, right. Otherwise, how do they expect you to get rid of them? The garbage man? Bury them in the backyard? Throw em off a bridge?

    I was thinking the same idea might apply for knives, but I dunno.

  3. #33
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    why don't you go look up Australia and see what they got
    or the UK

  4. #34
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    This whole thing is just crazy. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it at all. A knife that can be opened one handed is not only useful, but can be a lifesaver in some professions (and I don't even mean self defense. Think fishermen).

  5. #35
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Which is ironic, because as knives they are definitely not the best choice of weapon.
    And there you are dead (excuse the pun) wrong my friend. In the hands of an experienced knife fighter any decent sized knife can be more lethal then a firearm in close in situations.

    This has been well researched and if you have a holstered gun and you meet someone with a knife unless you are a minimum distance from him you will never live to draw and fire a single shot.

    There is a very well known training film done by the LAPD where an armed officer is sent into a warehouse to apprehend a thief. Unknown to the officer the guy is armed with a knife, butterfly as I recall and he happens to be a world class knife fighter. In every scenario he disarms the officer and kills him.When they spoke to the guy afterwards they asked him how difficult it was to kill the officer and he just laughed and said the difficult part was not really harming the officer.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    And there you are dead (excuse the pun) wrong my friend. In the hands of an experienced knife fighter any decent sized knife can be more lethal then a firearm in close in situations.

    This has been well researched and if you have a holstered gun and you meet someone with a knife unless you are a minimum distance from him you will never live to draw and fire a single shot.

    There is a very well known training film done by the LAPD where an armed officer is sent into a warehouse to apprehend a thief. Unknown to the officer the guy is armed with a knife, butterfly as I recall and he happens to be a world class knife fighter. In every scenario he disarms the officer and kills him.When they spoke to the guy afterwards they asked him how difficult it was to kill the officer and he just laughed and said the difficult part was not really harming the officer.
    Yeah, I've heard that before. It's really interesting and a bit surprising.

    I think what I heard was something to the effect of if a person has a gun holstered and is within 20 feet of you, and you sprint at them, you can get to them before they can get a shot off.

  7. #37
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pjrage View Post
    Yeah, I've heard that before. It's really interesting and a bit surprising.

    I think what I heard was something to the effect of if a person has a gun holstered and is within 20 feet of you, and you sprint at them, you can get to them before they can get a shot off.

    and it's more like 30 depending on your holster

    I say shoot him and take two steps

  8. #38
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    21 feet is the standard, and is oft preached, however, it is fairly limiting, as people have proven, besides, how often does one get to see the knife? I don't think anyone is going to draw the knife at 21 feet, more like 2 feet behind you. but that isn't the point. point is that no one is going to attack and stab someone unprovoked with a $100-400 folding knife. more like $1-4 steak knife. so why restrict the nice knives? because it looks better than banning ice picks, wouldn't want the public to think that a criminal could use anything at hand as a weapon, no they all go to stores to buy things to commit crimes with.
    sorry guys, not meaning to rant, I know you guys are smart enough to figure it out.

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    The Customs Department has nothing to do with interstate commerce, only imports and exports either you mean the Commerce Department or this is all B.S. Can anyone provide a reference/link to the actual proposal (assuming it exists).
    Last edited by fccexpert; 06-12-2009 at 08:31 PM.

  10. #40
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